Click on a GRADE button below to show Social Studies Courses available for that grade.

View the Socials Studies 9 Courses offered below:

Socials Studies 9

Course Code: MSS–09
This course offers students the opportunity to explore Canada’s history from early contact with First Nations peoples, to the inception as a colony of France, to its entry into the British Commonwealth, and establishment of a nation. During this time period Canada began to develop a sense of identity that was influenced by political, social, and economic events both within and outside the country. Students will also study the physical geography of Canada and how that influenced the early development of Canada as a country.

Socials Studies 9 Honours

Course Code: MSS–09H
Students in this mature cohort will cover the same learning outcomes as SS9 (see above) but at an accelerated pace to allow for additional enrichment opportunities.  Students will be responsible for previewing concepts at home and coming to class prepared to engage in higher level critical thinking.   Students should be curious and motivated learners who have a special interest or aptitude in this area.  Applications are available from the Socials Department.  Space in this class is limited.  Successful applicants will be contacted before the end of June each year.