Chess is more than just a game; it can provide students of all abilities with an enjoyable lifelong, intellectual pursuit. A general opinion of chess as an elitist or exclusive activity couldn’t be further from the truth. It is an activity where even the weakest academic students can match their wits and beam with success. Moreover, it is a proven as a valuable self-esteem builder. Chess demands that participants exercise their best powers of planning, memory, decision making, judgment, creativity and concentration. Interestingly, chess is known to assist cognitive development for students in four areas: logical and critical thinking, memory, focus/concentration and pattern recognition with overall improvements in academic performance, especially mathematics and reading (Watson-Glaser Critical Thinking Appraisal WGCTA). Therefore, as a program, Chess will be the perfect venue for students to develop these skills–skills that are applicable and transferable, not only in the Mathematics and English curriculum, but to all other curriculums and many of life’s situations. Furthermore, the educational benefits of chess are already recognized by its inclusion in the required curricula of over 30 countries worldwide, including Canada (Quebec and New Brunswick). Finally, we believe Chess is fun, engaging, inclusive, and the perfect venue for kids to develop the socio-emotional as well as the cognitive domain.
Chess 10
Course Code: YMATH0B
Chess 10 is a course designed to introduce students to the wonderful world of chess. This course will focus on its many facets, which include a brief history of chess, chess in culture, rules and etiquette of chess, and how to read and record chess games. Moreover, basic strategy, tactics, opening, middle, and endgame theory will be introduced. As well, to further develop students’ skills, students will participate in many class tournaments and play remotely through an on-line chess community. By the end, students will feel comfortable playing chess and will also benefit from the logical, critical, analytical, and creative thinking chess provides—skills that can be transferred to all subject areas and all facets of life.
Chess 11
Course Code: YMATH1A
This course is designed to introduce students to the wonderful world of chess. The course will focus on the rules and etiquette of chess, how to read and record chess games, strategy, tactics, opening, middle, and endgame theory. As well, the course will focus on the study of famous master games with emphasis on daily in-class play and tournaments. Not only will the course take the student from beginner to novice, but students will also benefit from the logical, critical, and analytical thinking chess provides. The skills students develop from taking chess may be transferred to all subject areas and help students better prepare for the challenges of life. This course is open to grade 10, 11 and 12 students.
Chess 12
Course Code: YMATH2A
Chess 12 is an extension of Chess 11. Students will continue to develop their analytical and critical thinking skills and further progress their knowledge of the aspects of Chess; visualization, pattern recognition, opening, middlegame, endgame, and analysis of games will be developmentally incorporated. This course is designed to bridge a novice player to an intermediate player. As a result, a student may be comfortable competing in almost any chess tournament around the world, as well as play for leisure. Lastly, the student will be able to teach the game of chess to a family member or friend. Although not necessary, completion of Chess 11 is recommended before taking Chess 12.