Grade 10 Required Courses

English 10 Honours – Composition 10H & Literary Studies 10H

Course Code: MCMPS10H

Course Code: MLTST10H

(Foundation: English 9H or recommendation from teacher) English 10 Honours will build off the English 9 Honours course. You will continue to enhance your writing, reading, and speaking skills by exploring a variety of fiction and nonfiction reading selections. This course will provide you a deeper appreciation for literature through applying skills that increase comprehension and promote a deeper understanding of literary techniques.

Literary Studies + Composition 10

Course Code: MLTST10

(Foundation: English 9 or English 9H)

In Literary Studies + Composition 10, you will build understandings about identity and engage in critical and creative thinking about texts, worldviews, and perspectives. You will be invited to make meaningful connections between self, text, and the changing world and to exchange ideas and viewpoints to build shared understanding and extend your thinking. You will learn how to use an increasing repertoire of Canadian conventions, literary devices, reading strategies, and writing processes to further develop your overall literacy skills.

New Media + Composition 10

Course Code: MNMD-10 

(Foundation: English 9 or English 9H)

In New Media + Composition 10, you will explore how technology and its history, writing, and critical thinking connect. You will read, view, and critique digital media and other texts to examine essential questions about human nature, control, and technology’s role in shaping the future. You will develop literacy and composition skills while fostering collaboration, creativity, and real-world problem-solving. By engaging critically and creatively with classical texts and 21st-century culture, you will refine your voice and gain the tools to navigate and shape the modern media landscape.

Pre-Calculus Math 10

Course Code: MFMP-10 

Foundations of Math & Pre-Calculus 10 will provide students with opportunities to think critically and make connections between various areas of the curriculum, providing them with some of the skills required at the post-secondary level.  Content includes: exponent laws, right triangle trigonometry, polynomials, functions and relations, linear relations, systems of linear equations and financial literacy.  Successful completion of this course will prepare students for Foundations of Math 11 and/or Pre-Calculus 11. 

Pre-Calculus Math 10 Honours

Course Code: MFMP-10H 

Enrollment in Foundations of Pre-Calculus Math 10 Honours is limited. Students will be selected based on recommendation from their Math 9 teacher. This course is designed for students with a strong aptitude and enthusiasm for Math.  In addition to the regular Math 10 curriculum, this course will also include a significant enrichment component. Students’ marks will reflect their mastery of the Math 10 content.  However, they will also receive different assignments from students in a regular Math 10 class that encourage students’ thinking to extend beyond the curriculum.  Students are encouraged to participate in Math Contests, and are expected to maintain a high standard of academic achievement.  Upon successful completion of this course, students may go on to take Pre-Calculus 11 or Pre-Calculus 11 Honours.

Socials Studies 10

Course Code: MSS–10

Students study Canadian history in the 19th century, with a focus on nation building: immigration, rebellions, Confederation, the development of the West, the history of British Columbia economy. Throughout their studies, students will consider the various conflicts between Canada’s peoples (First Nations, first European immigrants) arising from this time period, and relate these to current issues facing these same groups of Canadians today. Students will also be introduced to the Canadian economy, and they will continue to learn about Canadian geography.

Socials Studies 10 Honours

Course Code: MSS–10H
Students in this mature cohort will cover the same learning outcomes as SS10 (see above) but at an accelerated pace to allow for additional enrichment opportunities.  Students will be responsible for previewing concepts at home and coming to class prepared to engage in higher level critical thinking.   Students should be curious and motivated learners who have a special interest or aptitude in this area.  Applications are available from the Socials Department.  Space in this class is limited.  Successful applicants will be contacted before the end of June each year

Science 10

Course Code: MSC–10
Science 10 is composed of four units: Chemistry, Energy (Physics), Genetics (Biology), and Astronomy.  Students will be encouraged to think critically, solve problems, make ethical decisions, and increase their scientific literacy. They will also participate in hands-on learning assignments to develop lab skills and learn about safety.

Science 10 Honours

Course Code: MSC–10H
Science 10H provides students with the opportunity to go deeper into the Science 10 curriculum. The course is intended for academically strong students with a keen interest in science. Enrolment is limited, and students will be selected for the program based on their success in Science 9. The course will be offered in semester one of the grade 10 year to allow students to select grade 11 science courses in the second semester. Interested students may apply with support from their Science 9 teacher and a counselor.

Dance 10 (Choreography)/Dance 10 (Tech & Performance)

Course Code (Choreography): MDNC-10                                           

Course Code (Tech & Performance): MDNTP10

Dance 10 will focus on learning different dance styles including Jazz, Hip hop, Modern and even folk dance. Students will be exposed to different styles of dance and movement while also having the chance to do their own choreography and performance. Dance 10 introduces students to the history and theory behind dance.

Physical Education 10

Course Code:
Girls  – MPHED10G  
Boys  – MPHED10B 
This course is a continuation of the PHE 9 course with the opportunity to further develop physical literacy. In addition, students will be learning to administer CPR and use Defibrillators.  

Weight Training 10

Course Code: YLRA-0A

This co-educational course provides the opportunity for students to actively develop personal fitness. The objective of this elective program will be to utilize a variety of training methods to achieve improved levels of fitness. Weight training will be the foundation of this course and should be of interest to students with or without previous weight training experience since basic techniques and safety will be fundamental to the program

Weight Training 10 (Athletics)

Course Code: YLRA-0B

This is a course designed for self-motivated elite athletes in Grade 10, 11, or 12 who wish to take a weight-training class to increase their performance in a variety of sports – including (but not limited to!) football, basketball, wrestling, or soccer. The “complete athlete” approach will be emphasized, which consists of (but not limited to) strength training, speed & agility, plyometrics, recovery methods, nutrition, injury prevention, etc. The course is designed to be a full-year course that provides eight credits, and students require the support of a coach and/or PE teacher to be eligible, as well as a year-long commitment to training and an application form that will be filled out by all students who request the course.

Weight Training 10 (Girls)

Course Code: YLRA-0A-G

This course is designed specifically for young women to develop strength, power, and confidence through proper weight training techniques. We’ll focus on building a strong foundation in fundamental movements like squats, deadlifts, presses, and power cleans.

Career Life Education 10  

Course Code: MCLE-10

This is a mandatory course for all Grade 10 students and is required for graduation.  This course will help students establish goals and help them make thoughtful decisions in many areas.  Students will research post-secondary education options and possible career alternatives suited to them. Several excellent guest speakers complement topic areas.

STEAM 10 Program Courses

Science 10 STEAM Enriched

Course Code: MSC–10ST

This enriched science course provides students with the opportunity to go deeper into the Science 10 curriculum through inquiry and project-based approaches. We cover Kinetic and Potential Energy, Chemistry, Genetics & Astronomy. We participate in science challenges & field experiences throughout the year including the National Crystal Growing competition in the Fall and a trip to the SFU Chemistry Labs. The content is woven together with Math, ADST and CLE courses within our STEAM 10 program. Enrolment is limited, but students from the regular Science 9 program are welcome to apply by registering during course selection. Students will be selected for the program based on their success in their Grade 9 courses. We encourage students with a keen interest in science and solid work habits to apply. Students will be assessed on their understanding of content and demonstration of skills using tests, labs and projects. 

Pre-Calculus Math 10 STEAM Enriched

Course Code: MFMP-10ST 

Foundations and Pre-Calculus Math 10 is a course required for the STEAM program.  This course runs the full year with a Day 1/Day 2 alternating schedule with the Science 10 STEAM Enriched. This course is designed for students with a strong aptitude and enthusiasm for Math.  In addition to the regular Math 10 curriculum, this course will also include a significant enrichment component that will integrate mathematics with science, technology, engineering and art. Students will complete different tasks and projects that encourage collaboration and innovation.  Students are expected to maintain a high standard of academic achievement.  Enrolment is limited, and students will be selected for the program based upon their success in Math 9/STEAM 9.   Successful completion of this course will prepare students for Pre-Calculus 11 or Pre-Calculus 11 Honours.

Engineering STEAM 11

Course Code: MENR-11

STEAM Engineering 11, which is currently only offered for STEAM 10 students, is an engaging, hands-on course designed for students interested in exploring the principles of engineering, design thinking, and innovation. This course emphasizes creativity, problem-solving, and the practical application of science and mathematics through exciting, real-world projects. Students will design, prototype, and build projects such as 3D Printed Bath Bombs, Gravity Converter, and Solar-Powered Cars.  In addition to developing technical skills, students will gain valuable life skills such as critical thinking, project management, and effective teamwork, as well as safety skills for working with advanced tools and technologies in a makerspace environment. The course culminates in the STEAM Passion Project, allowing students to bring their unique ideas to life and present them to peers and the community.

Career Life Education 10 STEAM

Course Code: MCLE-10ST 

This course runs all year in the same block as ADST Drafting 10 STEAM. Mandatory for graduation, this dynamic offering blends career exploration with STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics) elements, guiding students to set goals and make informed decisions. Discover post-secondary options and potential careers through engaging lessons and guest speakers, ensuring you’re equipped for the future. This isn’t just a requirement; it’s your stepping stone to a fulfilling life beyond high school.

Grade 10 Electives


Digital Media Arts 10

Course Code: MVAM-10

This course will further explore photography, graphic design, and video, building on the programs and techniques used in Media 9; however, it is not a prerequisite. Students will complete projects like music videos, logo design, stop motion video, and vector art. Again, this is a course well suited to artistic students that prefer digital art to traditional methods.

Graphic Production 11 (Yearbook)

Course Code: MGRPR11 

Want to gain some experience with computers or experience the excitement of contributing to the planning and creation of the yearbook?  Get involved with every aspect of this creative work of art.  From taking photos, designing layouts and meeting athletes and performers, students will learn all the skills it takes to make this years’ annual a fantastic book.  Students will gain the experience with meeting deadlines, organizational skills and working on a team.  In addition, students will learn to use specialized professional quality hardware such as scanners, colour printers and digital cameras. 

Photography 11

Course Code: MVAPH11
Have fun learning to take photographs like a pro. Photography gives everyone a chance to be creative. Learn all the skills necessary to take clear, well-exposed photographs, in a course suitable for beginners, as well as those with photo experience. Students will learn to develop film and make prints in the darkroom. We will look at the influences of various cultures, artists, and apply them in student work.  Film and digital SLR cameras are available for student use.

Studio Arts 3D 10 (Ceramics)

Course Code: MVAC-10
Through elements and principals of design, students will work primarily with clay, learning hand building techniques, such as pinch, slab, and coil methods. Students will learn finishing techniques such as under and overglazes. Other areas of 3D will be looked at as well as the influences of artists, cultures, First Nations, and applied in student work.

Visual Arts 10 

Course Code: MVAST10

In this course students explore the many functions of art – design, expression, telling a story, pursuing a viewpoint, and entertainment. A variety of materials and techniques will be presented, and students are encouraged to explore and refine their artist skills. Students will also be exploring First Peoples perspectives and knowledge, other ways of knowing, and local cultural knowledge through artist works. This course offers projects that can contribute to one’s portfolio for the future.

Business Communication

Accounting 11 

Course Code: MAC–11       

Open to students in Grades 10, 11, and 12

Why not study your foundation business degree courses in High School? This is an entry level accounting course that will cover the fundamentals of accounting.  This is an excellent course for students who are intending to get jobs in the business world, are considering managing or owning their own business, or who will be going to college or university to take Business courses.  As an introduction to accounting procedures and concepts, this course teaches students to complete the basic accounting cycle and financial statements for a small business.  This course provides hands-on practical experience with a sound theoretical base.  This course does not contain any difficult Math content.

Marketing and Promotion 11  

Course Code: MMAP-11
 Open to students in Grades 10, 11 or 12
Marketing is the most exciting aspect of the business world! It is all around us and has a tremendous influence on our daily lives. We are persuaded to buy the current fashions, technology and brand names by professional marketers.
In Marketing 11, you will have fun working on creative projects which will define the marketing mix, target markets, the psychology of consumer behaviour, market research and more. Using marketing strategies, you will be able to create new products of your own. We will explore market segments such as sports products, celebrity brands, teen products, retail and corporate products.

Drama & Musical Theatre

Drama 10

Course Code: MDRM-10  

Drama 10 is an introductory theatre course built on creative drama and theatre. Students will work on a variety of scenes exploring character analysis, movement and voice technique. Students will explore a variety of types of performance such as improv, ensemble creation, and realism. Students will have frequent opportunities to perform.

Musical Theatre 10, 11, 12

Course Code: MMUTH10

BY AUDITION ONLY. Instructor permission required.
Dreaming of being a Broadway star?! Musical Theatre is a high-intensity course for students passionate about theatre. In September, students audition for a role in a full-scale production of a published Broadway musical. Students who are cast will work at a professional pace in rehearsal to learn their roles in singing, dancing, and acting. Students must be diligent in practicing and preparing on their own time. Through this process, students will experience all phases of a professional production from auditioning to performing with all required technical elements. This course runs linearly out of the regular timetable; rehearsals are in the evenings after school.  Previous Drama classes or performance experience is highly recommended.
Choosing this course during course selection indicates the student’s intention to audition. 

Educational Gaming

Chess 10

Course Code: YMATH0B

Chess 10 is a course designed to introduce students to the wonderful world of chess. This course will focus on its many facets, which include a brief history of chess, chess in culture, rules and etiquette of chess, and how to read and record chess games. Moreover, basic strategy, tactics, opening, middle, and endgame theory will be introduced.  As well, to further develop students’ skills, students will participate in many class tournaments and play remotely through an on-line chess community.  By the end, students will feel comfortable playing chess and will also benefit from the logical, critical, analytical, and creative thinking chess provides—skills that can be transferred to all subject areas and all facets of life.

Social Dynamics in Tabletop Role Playing Games 11

Course Code: YIPS-1B

Social Dynamics in Tabletop Role Playing Games is an optional course that focuses on friendship, leadership, and mental well-being as students engage in games like Dungeons and Dragons, Pathfinder, Starfinder and others. Although the main focus of the course is on peer interaction, participants will also design adventures, characters, monsters, and encounters. Additionally basic oral storytelling, character and/or campaign journals as well as learn the basics of 3d printing, painting, map production and other design elements will be incorporated. There are no prerequisites for this course.

Home Economics

Food Studies 11

Course Code: MFOOD11                 

This course is for everyone!  From those who have never set foot in the kitchen to the accomplished chefs out there.  With a quick review of the basics, it’s time for some real taste treats.  Sticky cinnamon buns, and fresh pies and pastry will test your will power.  Meal planning and nutrition will provide the background to creating full course meals to tempt your palate.  Bon appetit!  Many food industries and post-secondary institutions require FOODSAFE Level 1 certification – also to be taught and completed in class.  

There is a $40 fee applicable to this course. 

$40 Optional fee for Food Safe certificate. 

Interpersonal and Family Relationships 11

Course Code: MIAFR11                                  

In an effort to better understand one’s self, students will explore such topics as self-concept and, personality development.  Issues such as relationships, stress management, conflict resolution and lifestyle choices will be investigated through projects, discussions, and journal writing.   

Textiles 10

Course Code: MTXT-10 
For beginner and intermediate sewers.  If you love to sew or would like to learn how, Textile Studies 11 is for you.  Students work at their own level to learn and review basic sewing skills as well as master advanced, professional techniques.  Emphasis is on the creation of garments that students will enjoy and be proud to wear. There is a $40 fee applicable to this course. 

Textile Arts and Crafts 10/11/12

Course Code (10): YHEC-0A 
Course Code (11): YHEC-1A 
Course Code (12): YHEC-2A  
Students will be given the tools to learn how to plan, design, construct, share and reflect on crafts that allow for their personal identity, individuality and creativity to be expressed. 
Gift cards, vision boards, masks, picture frames, jewelry, seasonal crafts and the cutest scarecrows are just a few of the exciting projects created in TAC.  The projects incorporate such techniques as decorative painting, creative lettering, stencilling and sewing.  Also taught will be the popular craft items seen in the market place.  You will LOVE the projects you will get to take home. There is a $40 fee applicable to this course. 

Tourism 11

Course Code: MTRM-11 
Take off with tourism!  Get a ticket to the fastest growing industry in B.C.  Come aboard and travel throughout the province on an exciting and adventure-packed trip to your final destination – a higher level of tourism-related job skills. 

Information Technology

Computer Programming 11

Course Code: MCMPR11 

Strongly Recommended: Math 10 

Computer Programming 11 introduces students to computer science and will help prepare them for post-secondary computer science courses. Some of the programming concepts covered are: variables, input/output, conditional control structures, loops, methods and arrays. These concepts are covered by writing small programs. While creating these simple programs students will learn problem solving skills and improve their ability to think logically. Computer Programming 11 is an ideal course for students pursuing a career in computer science, engineering, general sciences, or business as many of these fields require computer programming as part of their course studies. 

Digital Media Development 12

Course Code: MMDMD-12

Strongly recommended: Media Design 11 or Web Development 10

This course is open to all students in grades 10 to 12. Digital Media Development will give students the opportunity to gain the knowledge and skills required to develop and produce interactive digital media projects. Students will explore topics such as 2D graphic design and publishing, digital animation, 3D modelling and design, and desktop video production. After completing this course, students will gain an understanding of careers in multimedia such as game design, web design, UX and UI design, computer animation, and video effects. 

Media Design 11

Course Code: MMEDD11 
Media Design will introduce students to various media technologies for image development and design. Through a series of hands-on projects, students will learn about media production, elements of design and principles of design. The visual communication skills learned in this course can enhance your skillset for a wide variety of careers ranging from Technology to Arts to Business to Sciences.  

Web Development 10

Course Code: MWBDV10 
This course is open to all students in Grades 10 to 12 and counts towards your graduation requirements. Web Development will introduce students to the foundational languages and coding techniques of modern web development, including HTML, CSS, and Javascript. Students will learn to create functional and interactive websites and incorporate good design principles in their assignments. In addition, students will explore other topics such as databases, game design, and responsive web design 


French 10

Course Code: MFR–10 

Strongly Recommended: French 9

French 10 is an intermediate course that builds on skills acquired in French 9. It encourages active participation to increase the functional level of the target language. Students will continue to develop their fluency by exploring creative and cultural works in the target language. Students will moreover recognize connections between language and culture, and how each has been influenced by First Peoples and Francophone communities. Students who have French Immersion or French as a First Language background will be required to take a placement exam. 

French 11

Course Code: MFR–11 

Strongly Recommended:  French 10

French 11 is an advanced course that builds on skills acquired in French 10. Students will interact in French with growing confidence in familiar situations drawn from real life. Students will be able to exchange opinions on topics of interest, describe or narrate with supporting detail, and discuss plans in the past, present, and future. Students who have French Immersion or French as a First Language background will be required to take a placement exam.  

Mandarin Chinese (Intro)

Course Code: MBMAN11 

This beginner’s course is an excellent choice for students who have not previously studied Mandarin, and wish to enrich their language and culture experience. It prepares students for the regular Mandarin 11 course. Students will learn conversation skills, vocabulary, and basic Chinese grammar. Simplified Chinese characters will be introduced. This intensive course incorporates both of Mandarin 9-10. As a result, it will be fast paced. Good work habits will be required. **Grade 10 students wishing to take this course require the permission of the department. 

Spanish (Intro)

Course Code: MBSP-11                                 

Introductory Spanish 11 is an intensive course, designed to cover essential learning standards in an accelerated time frame in order to prepare students for Spanish 11. It should be noted that this course does not replace the richness of the regular Spanish 9 and 10 curriculums. Emphasis will be placed on acquiring language through comprehensible input, communication and basic grammatical structures.  Students will develop a proficiency in listening, reading, speaking and writing in Spanish while developing an appreciation of Hispanic culture. This course is for students who have not previously studied Spanish. If students have passed Spanish 9, they will not be allowed to take this course. It is also recommended that students be prepared to manage their time wisely throughout the semester in order to meet the demands of this course.  

Spanish 10

Course Code: MSP–10 
Strongly Recommended:  Spanish 9
Spanish 10 is an intermediate course, which further encourages students’ active participation and functional level as it builds and expands on the language skills and cultural knowledge acquired in Spanish 9. Students will continue to gain proficiency through comprehensible input, communication and exploration of various creative works in the target language. 

Spanish 11

Course Code: MSP–11 
Strongly Recommended:  Spanish 10 or Spanish (Intro)
 Spanish 11 is an advanced course that builds on skills acquired in previous levels.  Students will interact in Spanish with increasingly complex vocabulary and sentence structures in familiar real-life situations. The culture of the Spanish speaking world will be further explored. Aboriginal perspectives will be incorporated through storytelling and folktales, which bear the characteristics of culture, folklore and customs of Hispanic countries. 


Leadership 10

Course Code: YCPA-0A 

This course is open to both Grade 9 and 10 students. Students will have the chance to learn and practice leadership skills.  Topics to be covered include organizational skills, communication skills, goal setting, leadership styles, event planning, motivation and group dynamics.  The curriculum will vary according to the need and the abilities of the group.  There are opportunities to be involved in many community and school events.  Students may have the opportunity to participate in a retreat.  Optional fee: for t-shirt. 


Guitar 10

Course Code: MMUGT10           
This course is designed for those with little or no previous experience on the guitar.  Students begin by learning the basic chords and how to read guitar tab.  In addition to learning many songs, students will learn strumming, picking, power and barre chords, and some extended  techniques.  The school provides guitars and music for this course. 

Recording Arts 10 (Media Design)

Course Code: MMEDD10 
Students should have some beginner music skills, but it is not absolutely necessary. All students are encouraged to join.
This is an intermediate course designed for students who want to learn how to digitally record music.  
This is a great opportunity for students to learn how to record their favourite music styles including Rap, Hip Hop and electronic dance music. Students will get hands on instruction in multi-track recording techniques, which are essential to the professional composer/recording artist. Students will receive an mp3 of their mastered recording. Students who register for this course should be able to play at least one musical instrument and/or be able to sing, but this is not absolutely necessary as the focus of this course is on audio engineering and not musical performance. 

Rock School 10 (Contemporary Music)

Course Code: MMUCM10

Students should have a basic understanding of beginner level skills on instrument or voice.  However, ALL Students are invited to join rock school for the first time in order to develop their musical skills. 

A continuation of Rock School 9, this course is designed to create a learning environment where students who are already able to play their instrument(s) will receive instruction in how to organize and rehearse contemporary music ensembles in the genres of their choosing including Rock, Metal, Pop, Punk, R&B, Rap & Hip Hop. Students should have enough ability to play through a simple song to a CD at tempo. *However, beginners are encouraged to join in order to develop their music skills for the first time.  Students will develop the ability to perform at an intermediate level and have the ability to have intermediate knowledge of equipment set up and maintenance.  Opportunities to perform will be made available. Beginner students will have the opportunity to learn their instruments during the course and will not be required to perform at the final show if they are not yet performance ready. These students will receive an adapted grade.  

Concert Band 10

Course Code: MMUCB10 

Concert band is perfect for people who want to play (or learn to play) music in a group.  Woodwind, brass, string, and percussion instruments can do great things when they work together.  Concert Band focuses on playing skills and musicianship, and we explore music from movies, musical theatre, and composters from around the world.  Students perform several concerts a year and we often do field trips together as a group.  Concerts Band is scheduled during Block E and meets every other day (day 1’s) all year.  Beginner students are welcome at all grade levels. 
NOTE:  Since Concert Band is scheduled into Block E, it may be taken as a 9th or 10th course.

Concert Choir 10

Course Code: MMUCC10     
For grade 10 students. 
Everyone who likes to sing or wants to learn to sing should join choir.  Choir students rehearse a diverse mix of music as they learn repertoire and prepare for performances.  Vocal technique, movement/choreography, and performance skills are things we explore together.  The Choir present several concerts each year we we often do many field trips as a group.  Choir is scheduled during Block E and meets every other day (Day 2’s) all year.  No prior music experience is necessary. 
NOTESince Concert Choir is scheduled into Block E, it may be taken as a 9th or 10th class.

Physical Education

Dance 10 (Choreography)/Dance 10 (Tech & Performance)

Course Code (Choreography): MDNC-10                                           

Course Code (Tech & Performance): MDNTP10

Dance 10 will focus on learning different dance styles including Jazz, Hip hop, Modern and even folk dance. Students will be exposed to different styles of dance and movement while also having the chance to do their own choreography and performance. Dance 10 introduces students to the history and theory behind dance.

Football Conditioning 11/12

Course Code (Grade 11): MFTCD11FB

Course Code (Grade 12): MFTCD12FB

This course is designed for athletes who wish to develop sport specific fitness and skills. Students will focus on a wide variety of advanced conditioning programs such as plyometrics, interval training, running, and weight training as they relate to football. Specific physical components of the course will include speed, agility, weight training and quickness. Special emphasis will be placed on developing individual skill development programs that best meet the student’s needs. This course is open to grade 10, 11 and 12 students.

Yoga & Mindfulness 11

Course Code: MFTCD11-Y

Yoga and mindfulness is centered around enhancing health and wellness in a positive environment. The focus of the course is yoga and how it can contribute to physical and mental wellness. Students will gain a better understanding of the fundamentals of yoga through daily practice. Classes are appropriate for beginner to intermediate students. Students will be exposed to different mindfulness and meditation activities. Students may also participate in Pilates, hiking and walking programs. The course can be very helpful in balancing the stressors of high school life. If there is an interest, an overnight retreat and/or guest instructors/field trips may be offered for an additional fee. A $40 enhancement fee will be used to fund community and school activities.

Boys Basketball Conditioning 11

Course Code (Boys): MFTCD11BB

This course is designed for athletes who wish to develop sport specific fitness and skills. Students will focus on a wide variety of advanced conditioning programs such as plyometrics, interval training, running, and weight training as they relate to basketball. Specific physical components of the course will include speed, agility, weight training and quickness. Special emphasis with be placed on developing individual skill development programs that best meet the student’s needs. This course is open to grade 10, 11 and 12 students and will be offered on a year-long schedule from 6:45 am to 7:30 am. This means it can be taken as a 9th course.

Girls Basketball Conditioning 11

Course Code (Girls): MFTCD11BG

This course is designed for athletes who wish to develop sport specific fitness and skills. Students will focus on a wide variety of advanced conditioning programs such as plyometrics, interval training, running, and weight training as they relate to basketball. Specific physical components of the course will include speed, agility, weight training and quickness. Special emphasis with be placed on developing individual skill development programs that best meet the student’s needs. This course is open to grade 10, 11 and 12 students and will be offered on a year-long schedule from 6:45 am to 7:30 am. This means it can be taken as a 9th course.

Weight Training 10

Course Code: YLRA-0A

This co-educational course provides the opportunity for students to actively develop personal fitness. The objective of this elective program will be to utilize a variety of training methods to achieve improved levels of fitness. Weight training will be the foundation of this course and should be of interest to students with or without previous weight training experience since basic techniques and safety will be fundamental to the program

Weight Training 10 (Athletics)

Course Code: YLRA-0B

This is a course designed for self-motivated elite athletes in Grade 10, 11, or 12 who wish to take a weight-training class to increase their performance in a variety of sports – including (but not limited to!) football, basketball, wrestling, or soccer. The “complete athlete” approach will be emphasized, which consists of (but not limited to) strength training, speed & agility, plyometrics, recovery methods, nutrition, injury prevention, etc. The course is designed to be a full-year course that provides eight credits, and students require the support of a coach and/or PE teacher to be eligible, as well as a year-long commitment to training and an application form that will be filled out by all students who request the course.

Weight Training 10 (Girls)

Course Code: YLRA-0A-G

This course is designed specifically for young women to develop strength, power, and confidence through proper weight training techniques. We’ll focus on building a strong foundation in fundamental movements like squats, deadlifts, presses, and power cleans.

Tech Ed

Automotive Technology 11

Course Code: MTAUT11

Strongly Recommended to be taken first: Power Technology 10.

This course is designed as an introduction to the basic repair and maintenance procedures of the modern automobile. Owning a vehicle is not required to participate the class. The Students leave this course with a basic understanding of the working systems of the automobile, the tools used, and the industry-wide standards of safety, maintenance and repairs.

Drafting 10

Course Code: MTDRF10

This course is designed for students interested in engineering, interior design, industrial design, architecture, carpentry, steel fabrication, and many other professions. The students will explore the elements and techniques used for sketching, designing, modeling and creating mechanical and basic architectural drawings. This course covers the basics of sketching then quickly moves on to 2-D Computer Assisted Drafting and Design (CADD) software.  Students will also have access to our 3-D printers, laser cutters and cricuts to bring their designs to life. Students will be given the opportunity to create artistic CADD designs which may then be produced as vinyl decals, T-Shirt heat transfers or machined on our CNC equipment. As a final product, students will create a digital Portfolio highlighting their work that could be useful for future careers and/or Post Secondary applications.

No previous experience necessary. Students may take Drafting each year if they wish.

Metalwork 10, 11, 12

Course Code (10): MTMET10
Course Code (11): MTMET11
Course Code (12): MTMET12
This grade course involves general metalworking and the study of various branches of the metal working industry.  The course involves theoretical and practical studies in the following areas: design, bench work, shop sketching, oxy-acetylene and mig welding, and machine operations.  After completing the basic requirements of the course, students may study or complete projects in any area of metalwork under the guidance of the teacher.  Basic supplies are provided, however, the student should expect to pay for project materials.

Power Technology 10

Course Code: MTPOW10
This course focuses on the human discovery and use of alternate energy sources that provide us with transportation and home comfort.  It will involve teamwork, problem solving, basic mechanics as well as individual assignments.  Students will study the principles of 2 and 4 stroke engines to provide a basis for Automotive Technology 11.

Technology Exploration 10

Course Code: MTEXP10
Woodworking, Metal Work, Drafting & Design, Electronics and Basic Mechanics are the core areas of Technology Education.  This course further builds on the Technology Education 9, but is also open to first time technology education students wanting to gain hands on learning with all aspects of the Terry Fox technology education curriculum.  Students will be learning various aspects of design, manufacturing and testing their own projects.  This course is highly recommended for anyone with further interest in any technology education program at the grade 11 and 12 level.

Vehicle Ownership & Maintenance 11

Course Code: YMR—1B

This course is designed to provide the future owner/driver with a basic working knowledge of the mechanical functions of the modern automobile.  Owning a vehicle is not required to participate the class. The practical work and demonstrations will cover the basic routine maintenance, repair and safety checks required to keep your vehicle in proper running order.  NOTE:  This is a BASIC COURSE ONLY, it is consumer oriented, covering the operating, maintaining and purchasing of an automobile.

Woodwork 10

Course Code: MWWK-10
This is a general interest course which provides the opportunity for students to make interesting projects and start to become familiar with the operation of woodwork machines and hand tools. Students will learn to correctly and safely use table saws, band saws, jointer, thickness planer and routers as they are building a variety of wood projects that they will take home throughout the year. Basic costs are covered but it is expected that students pay for the materials.

Additional Support & ELL Courses

English Acquisition I

Course Code: XLDCA10EAL

For students who are beginning learners of English or who are experiencing difficulties with all aspects of English listening, speaking, reading and writing. This course is suitable for students in grades 9-12.

English Acquisition II

Course Code: XLDCB10EAL

This course provides additional support for EAL students who have passed EAL Beginners, but need further instruction in basic reading, writing and speaking skills.

This course is suitable for students in grades 9-12.

English Language Development 10

Course Code: YESFLOA

The course is designed to continue to develop the four main English language skills of reading, writing, listening, and speaking to EAL students.  It also encourages the viewing and representation of materials.  The course focuses on reinforcing strategies needed to read, write and extract information successfully in English, and addresses specific needs of students regarding language and culture.  Throughout the course, students participate in authentic real-life situations. Students demonstrate growth in English language proficiency through oral, visual, and a variety of written forms.  Students identify and compare their own customs to Canadian culture.

English Language Development 11

Course Code: YESFL1B

This course is designed for students who has successfully completed English Language Development 10 and have a first language other than English.  The course is designed to extend the students’ exploration of the English language skills of reading, listening, speaking, and viewing, with a particular emphasis on intercultural competency, academic vocabulary, genre, and written expression.

Introduction to Academic Language 10

Course Code: YESFL0B

This course is designed to build students’ writing, speaking, listening, and reading competencies by introducing them to a variety of text genres, registers, structures, forms, and styles. Included in this course are the elements that make up Canadian Culture, Geography, and History (cultural identity and First Peoples culture). and acquaints students new to Canada with Canadian culture and customs and prepares students for Social Studies and English courses.  This course is suitable for students in gr. 10 -12.

Learning Centre 221

(NON-CREDIT) – Grades 9-12

Course Code: XLDCD09

This is a non-credit course for students which offers targeted support to students who have an IEP and/or require on-going academic support in order to successfully meet the learning outcomes of their courses.

Support includes:

-Direct support for students in academic subjects, skill building, organization, and study skills through weekly targeted lesson instruction or 1-1 support.

-Development of self-advocacy skills, goal setting, and effective self-assessment practices on learning and goals for courses or IEP.

-Time and assistance to complete homework, review/clarify course concepts, prepare for tests, and complete assessments in an alternate space.


Applications of Learning 10: 4 credit course option (available to full-year LC students)

Course Code: YMIS-0B0TH

Full-year Learning Centre students enrolled in the credit option will engage in a variety of activities that include completing a limited number of quizzes, self-reflections, self-assessments, classroom teacher assessments, and showcasing their evidence of learning with exemplars to satisfy course requirements for AOL 10 to receive 4 credits towards their graduation requirement of 80 credits.