Grade 12 Required Courses
Career Life Connections 12
Career Life Connections 12 is a course that is designed to identify and develop each student’s personal interests, passions, and goals. Students reflect on learning experiences and competency development in school and community, and explore roles and possibilities in personal, education, and work-life contexts. Career Life Connections facilitates the community networking and experiential learning to benefit decision making both within and outside of school while at the same time designing and producing a graduation “Capstone project”. Each section in Career Life Connections 12 will include lessons and assignments in addition to a Capstone project component. The course content is delivered monthly with assembly meetings as a grade 12 group and on “Teams” with individual mentor teachers that are assigned to each student.
English Studies 12
Course Code: MENST12
English 12 asks you to extend the communication, thinking, and social skills you built in previous English courses. Through interacting with your classmates and a variety of different texts, you will refine your ability to communicate effectively and to think critically and creatively. You will explore and create original texts about identity, diverse perspectives, and our changing world. You will also contribute to Reconciliation by building greater understanding of the knowledge and perspectives of First Peoples.
Grade 12 Electives
Ceramics 11
Course Code: MVAC-11
(Ceramics) Through the elements and principles of design, this course offers students the skills and opportunity to explore different 3D techniques. with ceramics (clay). Students will use hand building techniques and will be introduced to the potter’s wheel. Students will learn finishing techniques such as under and overglazes. Other areas of ceramics will be looked at as well as the influences of cultures, artists, and apply them in student work.
Ceramics 12
Course Code: MVAC-12
Students will be able to further their exploration in ceramics (clay). In final projects, students will be encouraged to develop a series of self-directed projects reflecting their strengths, images based on their own experience and techniques of their choice. Advanced finishing techniques will be introduced. This course will nurture interest in ceramics as a hobby, as well as prepare student to apply for post-secondary Fine Arts programs.
Digital Media Arts 10
Course Code: MVAM-10
This course will further explore photography, graphic design, and video, building on the programs and techniques used in Media 9; however, it is not a prerequisite. Students will complete projects like music videos, logo design, stop motion video, and vector art. Again, this is a course well suited to artistic students that prefer digital art to traditional methods.
Digital Media Arts 11
Course Code: MVAMT11
One of our province’s top areas of employment is the film industry. In this grade 11 course, students will explore film aesthetics, and a variety of genres, from action to documentary and the “Hollywood” format. Students will be producing several film projects, from commercials to action scenes to final “student choice”, and learn skills of preproduction, such as storyboarding and scriptwriting, and post production skills such as computer editing and sound tracking. Projects will include experimental, documentary, scriptwriting, special effects editing, a project for a client, and a “student’s choice” final project.
Digital Media Arts 12
Course Code: MVAMT12
One of our province’s top areas of employment is the film industry. In this grade 12 course, students will explore film aesthetics, and a variety of genres, from action to documentary and the “Hollywood” format. Students will be producing several film projects, from commercials to action scenes to final “student choice”, and learn skills of preproduction, such as storyboarding and scriptwriting, and post production skills such as computer editing and sound tracking. Projects will include experimental, documentary, scriptwriting, special effects editing, a project for a client, and a “student’s choice” final project. Students in Media Arts 12 who have taken Media Arts 11, are encouraged to explore film making in areas of their own interests. Students are encouraged to enter work in one or more film festivals.
Drawing & Painting 11
Course Code: MVAD-11
The first half of the course will focus on intensive drawing, using a variety of materials including pencil, conté, charcoal, and oil and chalk pastels. Initially, students will draw from observation and the model; later they will be taught creative drawing techniques. The last half of the course will focus on acrylic painting. Students will create works reflecting their personal voice, story, and values. We will also be looking into First Peoples perspective and other ways of knowing through 2D artist works.
Drawing & Painting 12
Course Code: MVAD-12
Senior drawing and painting students will be encouraged to explore their own personal style in no more than three art media areas. Individual instruction will be custom tailored to each student’s needs and preferences. Students will explore the history of a variety of artistic movements, including their roles in historical and contemporary societies as well as traditional and contemporary First Peoples worldviews. Students pursuing Postsecondary admission will receive time and coaching to prepare their portfolios.
Graphic Production 11 (Yearbook)
Course Code: MGRPR11
Want to gain some experience with computers or experience the excitement of contributing to the planning and creation of the yearbook? Get involved with every aspect of this creative work of art. From taking photos, designing layouts and meeting athletes and performers, students will learn all the skills it takes to make this years’ annual a fantastic book. Students will gain the experience with meeting deadlines, organizational skills and working on a team. In addition, students will learn to use specialized professional quality hardware such as scanners, colour printers and digital cameras.
Graphic Production 12 (Yearbook)
Course Code: MGRPR12
This course is a continuation of Yearbook 11 that allows the experienced ‘yearbookers’ to become leaders. In addition to taking photos and designing layouts the senior students will become editors and supervisors that can personally design and manage large sections of the book.
Photography 11
Course Code: MVAPH11
Have fun learning to take photographs like a pro. Photography gives everyone a chance to be creative. Learn all the skills necessary to take clear, well-exposed photographs, in a course suitable for beginners, as well as those with photo experience. Students will learn to develop film and make prints in the darkroom. We will look at the influences of various cultures, artists, and apply them in student work. Film and digital SLR cameras are available for student use.
Photography 12
Course Code: MVAPH12
Photography 11 recommended but not necessary. Students will have an opportunity to pursue individual photography goals through a series of free choice assignments. They will also learn about studio lighting, portraiture, and advanced techniques, Students will also have the opportunity working with historical processes such as Gum bichromate, and Cyanotype. This course will nurture interest in photography as a hobby, as well as prepare student to apply for post-secondary photography programs
Visual Arts 11
Course Code: MVAST11
Art 11 is a general course, as well as an opportunity that allows students to begin to specialize in the medium of their choice. Students will be taking creative risks to express thoughts and emotions through artistic works. They will also be refining their skills with different art materials and techniques. Personal image development will be encouraged but is not essential to those new to the program.
Visual Arts 12
Course Code: MVAST12
Art students will explore in depth the mediums of drawing, painting, printmaking and sculpture. Students will continue expanding their knowledge on local, national, and global artists with the aim to help them become visually literate. They will learn to read into the hidden meanings in commercial art, and the advertising media as well as in fine art work. Students will show their works in various displays and art shows. Projects completed in the course can also contribute to one’s portfolio.
Business Education
Accounting 11
Course Code: MAC–11
Open to students in Grades 10, 11, and 12
Why not study your foundation business degree courses in High School? This is an entry level accounting course that will cover the fundamentals of accounting. This is an excellent course for students who are intending to get jobs in the business world, are considering managing or owning their own business, or who will be going to college or university to take Business courses. As an introduction to accounting procedures and concepts, this course teaches students to complete the basic accounting cycle and financial statements for a small business. This course provides hands-on practical experience with a sound theoretical base. This course does not contain any difficult Math content.
Accounting 12
Course Code: MACC-12
Students must have completed Accounting 11 before choosing this course.
This is the logical next step to Accounting 11. In this class, you will be able to apply your knowledge onto Accounting software and start working as a bookkeeper. This course provides a general review of accounting concepts leading to the study and application of advanced accounting concepts and principles. Most of the Financial Accounting 12’s content is covered in college and university courses so taking it now will help you later. Computer applications include projects using Simply Accounting, Quickbooks, and Microsoft Excel software.
Economics 12
Course Code: MEC–12
Open to students in Grades 11 or 12
Get a better understanding of how our economy works and the many economic issues that affect the way all of us live. Often major news items are related to economic topics such as unemployment, trade, inflation, interest rates and taxes. Learn about all of these things and more! A great emphasis will be placed on government policies and current economic issues taking place nationally and internationally. This course offers market simulations, investment lessons and other economics projects on-line through the Internet. If you are interested in learning how economic events shape your life, regardless of your career interests, this course will be very helpful.
Entrepreneurship 12
Course Code: MENT-12
Open to students in Grades 11 or 12
Entrepreneurship is the process of starting and operating your own business.
Anyone can become an entrepreneur with the right information, knowledge and determination. That is why it is important for Terry Fox students to have the opportunity to design their own future.. As well, you will work with partners on projects that involve market research, identifying business opportunities, learning about franchises, creating brands, and finally designing a business plan for your future business.
This course provides a practical “hands-on” opportunity to develop the entrepreneurial spirit required for starting and operating a business. Catch the entrepreneurial spirit!
Marketing and Promotion 11
Course Code: MMAP-11
Open to students in Grades 10, 11 or 12
Marketing is the most exciting aspect of the business world! It is all around us and has a tremendous influence on our daily lives. We are persuaded to buy the current fashions, technology and brand names by professional marketers.
In Marketing 11, you will have fun working on creative projects which will define the marketing mix, target markets, the psychology of consumer behaviour, market research and more. Using marketing strategies, you will be able to create new products of your own. We will explore market segments such as sports products, celebrity brands, teen products, retail and corporate products.
Directing & Script Development 11/12
11 Course Code: MDRDS11
12 Course Code: MDRDS12
Drama 11 highly recommended
This course is designed around the writing, directing, and producing of plays. Students will study plays using various styles of analysis and direct their own scenes. The Directing and Scriptwriting class will be combined with other drama classes providing the scriptwriting student with actors to work with. Students need to have a passion for theatre & writing and be well organized, reliable and trustworthy.
Drama 11
Course Code: MDRM-11
Drama 9, 10, or previous performance experience highly recommended.
Drama 11 is a theatre course that builds on the skills taught in Drama 9 and 10. Exploration of the discipline will focus on voice, movement, research, improvisation and character analysis. Students will further study the history and elements of various styles of theatre and be involved in numerous performances.
Drama 12
Course Code: MDRM-12
Drama 9, 10, or 11 are highly recommended.
Drama 12 is a theatre course that builds on the skills taught in previous Drama courses. Students will refine their skills in voice, movement, research, improvisation and character analysis. This course prepares the acting student who would like to pursue theatre at the university level or who would like a career in the arts. Theatre history and modern theatre practices are covered in further detail. Students will be involved in numerous performances.
Theatre Production 11
Course Code: MDRTP11
The students will be involved with the design and construction of sets for plays and/or musicals produced by the drama department. It is recommended that students have woodwork or art experience. Specific objectives are to develop student talent in the field of scenic design, set and properties construction.
Theatre Production 12
Course Code: MDRTP12
Theatre Production 11 is highly recommended
This course is a continuation of the work and theory of Theatre Production 11.
Educational Gaming
Chess 11
Course Code: YMATH1A
This course is designed to introduce students to the wonderful world of chess. The course will focus on the rules and etiquette of chess, how to read and record chess games, strategy, tactics, opening, middle, and endgame theory. As well, the course will focus on the study of famous master games with emphasis on daily in-class play and tournaments. Not only will the course take the student from beginner to novice, but students will also benefit from the logical, critical, and analytical thinking chess provides. The skills students develop from taking chess may be transferred to all subject areas and help students better prepare for the challenges of life. This course is open to grade 10, 11 and 12 students.
Chess 12
Course Code: YMATH2A
Chess 12 is an extension of Chess 11. Students will continue to develop their analytical and critical thinking skills and further progress their knowledge of the aspects of Chess; visualization, pattern recognition, opening, middlegame, endgame, and analysis of games will be developmentally incorporated. This course is designed to bridge a novice player to an intermediate player. As a result, a student may be comfortable competing in almost any chess tournament around the world, as well as play for leisure. Lastly, the student will be able to teach the game of chess to a family member or friend. Although not necessary, completion of Chess 11 is recommended before taking Chess 12.
Social Dynamics in Tabletop Role Playing Games 11
Course Code: YIPS-1B
Social Dynamics in Tabletop Role Playing Games is an optional course that focuses on friendship, leadership, and mental well-being as students engage in games like Dungeons and Dragons, Pathfinder, Starfinder and others. Although the main focus of the course is on peer interaction, participants will also design adventures, characters, monsters, and encounters. Additionally basic oral storytelling, character and/or campaign journals as well as learn the basics of 3d printing, painting, map production and other design elements will be incorporated. There are no prerequisites for this course.
Career Life Connections 12
Career Life Connections 12 is a course that is designed to identify and develop each student’s personal interests, passions, and goals. Students reflect on learning experiences and competency development in school and community, and explore roles and possibilities in personal, education, and work-life contexts. Career Life Connections facilitates the community networking and experiential learning to benefit decision making both within and outside of school while at the same time designing and producing a graduation “Capstone project”. Each section in Career Life Connections 12 will include lessons and assignments in addition to a Capstone project component. The course content is delivered monthly with assembly meetings as a grade 12 group and on “Teams” with individual mentor teachers that are assigned to each student.
Composition 11
Course Code: MCMPS11
(Foundation: English 10 or English 10H) Composition 11 is designed to support you as you continue to develop, enhance, and refine your written communication skills. You will read and study compositions in a wide variety of modes and styles. You will also engage in the writing processes of drafting, reflecting, and revising to compose a range of writing, speaking and representation pieces. Furthermore, you will develop confidence in your abilities.
Students who select this course must enroll in BC First Peoples 12 to fulfill the Indigenous-Focused Graduation Requirement.
Creative Writing 12
Course Code: MCTWR12
(Elective Course: Open to Grades 11 – 12)
Creative Writing 12 is an elective course that is designed for students who are interested in exploring the fantasy and sci-fi genres. This course will allow you to explore a variety of contexts, such as screen plays, podcasts, movies, stories, novels, games, etc. Within a supportive and engaging community, you will collaborate in a workshop style by sharing and critiquing each other’s writing and develop your skills through oral storytelling, as well as writing and design processes to refine your ability to write in complex and controlled styles that are seen within the fantasy and sci-fi realms. You will learn to build a fascinating world for your story, create unforgettable characters and weave together captivating plots.
English First Peoples 11
Course Code: EFP-11
(Foundation: English 10 or English 10H) English First Peoples 11 provides you the opportunity to actively engage with Reconciliation through the curriculum and invites you to deepen your Indigenous knowledge in a variety of contexts, genres, and media. You will explore the values, beliefs, lived realities, and worldviews of First Peoples in British Columbia and abroad. EFP 11 is an interactive and engaging course that emphasizes writing, oral storytelling, and speaking.
English Studies 12
Course Code: MENST12
English 12 asks you to extend the communication, thinking, and social skills you built in previous English courses. Through interacting with your classmates and a variety of different texts, you will refine your ability to communicate effectively and to think critically and creatively. You will explore and create original texts about identity, diverse perspectives, and our changing world. You will also contribute to Reconciliation by building greater understanding of the knowledge and perspectives of First Peoples.
Home Economics
Child Development and Caregiving 12
Course Code: MCDAC12
Learn all about children from conception to birth, as infants, toddlers, preschoolers and primary students. This course is an in-depth look at the physical, emotional, social and intellectual development of each of these crucial stages. On-going visits to nearby elementary schools incorporate practical hands-on experience with in-class theory.
Food Studies 11
Course Code: MFOOD11
This course is for everyone! From those who have never set foot in the kitchen to the accomplished chefs out there. With a quick review of the basics, it’s time for some real taste treats. Sticky cinnamon buns, and fresh pies and pastry will test your will power. Meal planning and nutrition will provide the background to creating full course meals to tempt your palate. Bon appetit! Many food industries and post-secondary institutions require FOODSAFE Level 1 certification – also to be taught and completed in class.
There is a $40 fee applicable to this course.
$40 Optional fee for Food Safe certificate.
Food Studies 12
Course Code: MFOOD12
Strongly Recommended: Food Studies 11
The focus here is on safety, dining etiquette, preparation and presentation of foods. Advanced techniques combined with the use of a variety of different kitchen aids will be taught. Hence, it is expected that students understand the basic principles of food preparation and the value of nutrition. New and unusual foods from different cultures and catering are important aspects of this course. There is a $40 fee applicable to this course.
Interpersonal and Family Relationships 11
Course Code: MIAFR11
In an effort to better understand one’s self, students will explore such topics as self-concept and, personality development. Issues such as relationships, stress management, conflict resolution and lifestyle choices will be investigated through projects, discussions, and journal writing.
Textiles 11
Course Code: MTXT-11
Strongly Recommended: Textile Studies 9 or 10
Textile Studies 11 offers an exciting agenda as it teaches you how to create clothing that is distinctly yours – no, you do not have to be an artist! Easy methods of redesigning and embellishing patterns will be explained, and several garments and accessories will be produced using these techniques. Students will learn advanced sewing techniques and work with specialty fabrics. There is a $40 fee applicable to this course.
Textiles 12
Strongly Recommended: Introductory Textile 9 or Textiles 11
Do you dream of creating clothing and accessories that are uniquely your own? Textile Studies 12 offers an exciting agenda as it teaches how to create clothing that is distinctly yours. Students will learn advanced sewing techniques as well as methods of redesigning and embellishing garments and accessories. There is a $40 fee applicable to this course.
Textile Arts and Crafts 10/11/12
Course Code (10): YHEC-0A
Course Code (11): YHEC-1A
Course Code (12): YHEC-2A
Students will be given the tools to learn how to plan, design, construct, share and reflect on crafts that allow for their personal identity, individuality and creativity to be expressed.
Gift cards, vision boards, masks, picture frames, jewelry, seasonal crafts and the cutest scarecrows are just a few of the exciting projects created in TAC. The projects incorporate such techniques as decorative painting, creative lettering, stencilling and sewing. Also taught will be the popular craft items seen in the market place. You will LOVE the projects you will get to take home. There is a $40 fee applicable to this course.
Tourism 11
Course Code: MTRM-11
Take off with tourism! Get a ticket to the fastest growing industry in B.C. Come aboard and travel throughout the province on an exciting and adventure-packed trip to your final destination – a higher level of tourism-related job skills.
Tourism 12
Course Code: MTRM-12
Strongly Recommended: Tourism 11
The journey only began in Tourism 11. Domestic travel, exotic destinations and international travel is on the itinerary for Tourism 12. Students will also explore the business of hospitality, adventure tourism, conference and event planning, and the travel trade.
Information Technology
Computer Programming 11
Course Code: MCMPR11
Strongly Recommended: Math 10
Computer Programming 11 introduces students to computer science and will help prepare them for post-secondary computer science courses. Some of the programming concepts covered are: variables, input/output, conditional control structures, loops, methods and arrays. These concepts are covered by writing small programs. While creating these simple programs students will learn problem solving skills and improve their ability to think logically. Computer Programming 11 is an ideal course for students pursuing a career in computer science, engineering, general sciences, or business as many of these fields require computer programming as part of their course studies.
Computer Programming 12
Course Code: MCMPR12
Strongly recommended: Math 11 and Computer Programming 11
Computer Programming 12 is a continuation of Computer Programming 11. Students will build upon the skills and concepts they learned in the previous course and apply them with the new concepts learned in this course to create complex programs. Students will develop creative solutions for various types of problems as their understanding of the computing environment grows. Computer Programming 12 is an ideal course for students pursuing a career in computer science, engineering, general sciences, or business.
Computer Science 12
Course Code: MMACS12
Requirements: Pre-Calculus 12 (concurrently) and Computer Programming 11
Computer Science 12 is an advance course for students interested in studying Computer Science, Engineering, or advanced Mathematics at University. Topics covered will include access variables, data structures, sorting and searching algorithms, recursion, object-oriented programming, reading/writing files, mathematical and science modeling, and applications of computer science. Students will need to demonstrate a high level of understanding, an ability to work independently and a strong interest in the subject to be approved for this course. This course can be used as an approved Grade 12 course for most Universities.
Digital Media Development 12
Course Code: MMDMD-12
Strongly recommended: Media Design 11 or Web Development 10
This course is open to all students in grades 10 to 12. Digital Media Development will give students the opportunity to gain the knowledge and skills required to develop and produce interactive digital media projects. Students will explore topics such as 2D graphic design and publishing, digital animation, 3D modelling and design, and desktop video production. After completing this course, students will gain an understanding of careers in multimedia such as game design, web design, UX and UI design, computer animation, and video effects.
Media Design 11
Course Code: MMEDD11
Media Design will introduce students to various media technologies for image development and design. Through a series of hands-on projects, students will learn about media production, elements of design and principles of design. The visual communication skills learned in this course can enhance your skillset for a wide variety of careers ranging from Technology to Arts to Business to Sciences.
Web Development 10
Course Code: MWBDV10
This course is open to all students in Grades 10 to 12 and counts towards your graduation requirements. Web Development will introduce students to the foundational languages and coding techniques of modern web development, including HTML, CSS, and Javascript. Students will learn to create functional and interactive websites and incorporate good design principles in their assignments. In addition, students will explore other topics such as databases, game design, and responsive web design
French 11
Course Code: MFR–11
Strongly Recommended: French 10
French 11 is an advanced course that builds on skills acquired in French 10. Students will interact in French with growing confidence in familiar situations drawn from real life. Students will be able to exchange opinions on topics of interest, describe or narrate with supporting detail, and discuss plans in the past, present, and future. Students who have French Immersion or French as a First Language background will be required to take a placement exam.
French 12
Course Code: MFR–12
Strongly Recommended: French 11
French 12 is an expert course that builds on the skills acquired in French 11. Students will be able to interact effectively and with some spontaneity in familiar situations drawn from real life. They will be able to respond to texts and stories that portray the interactions between the First Peoples and Francophone communities, as well as the diverse communities in the francophone world. Students will furthermore be able to express themselves in the past, present, and future tenses while understanding the nuances of the different tenses, word placements, and vocabulary. Students may have the opportunity to write the DELF exam. UBC and other Canadian universities strongly recommend that students applying to the faculty of Arts complete a Language 12 class. In addition, there are Dogwood District Scholarships that are awarded to exceptional language students.
Mandarin Chinese (Intro)
Course Code: MBMAN11
This beginner’s course is an excellent choice for students who have not previously studied Mandarin, and wish to enrich their language and culture experience. It prepares students for the regular Mandarin 11 course. Students will learn conversation skills, vocabulary, and basic Chinese grammar. Simplified Chinese characters will be introduced. This intensive course incorporates both of Mandarin 9-10. As a result, it will be fast paced. Good work habits will be required. **Grade 10 students wishing to take this course require the permission of the department.
Mandarin Chinese 11
Course Code: MMAN-11
Strongly Recommended: Mandarin Chinese 10 or Mandarin Chinese (Intro)
Students will be encouraged to use the Chinese language in practical situations. Students will develop a deeper understanding of Chinese values and customs through various projects and activities. **Grade 10 students wishing to take this course require the permission of the department.
Mandarin Chinese 12
Course Code: MMAN-12
Strongly recommended: Mandarin Chinese 11
Students will further develop their Mandarin language skills (listening, speaking, reading, and writing). They will become more aware of Chinese values and customs through the study of fundamental geographic, economic and social issues and the discussion of current events. UBC and other Canadian universities strongly recommend that students applying to the faculty of Arts complete a Language 12 class.
Spanish 11
Course Code: MSP–11
Strongly Recommended: Spanish 10 or Spanish (Intro)
Spanish 11 is an advanced course that builds on skills acquired in previous levels. Students will interact in Spanish with increasingly complex vocabulary and sentence structures in familiar real-life situations. The culture of the Spanish speaking world will be further explored. Aboriginal perspectives will be incorporated through storytelling and folktales, which bear the characteristics of culture, folklore and customs of Hispanic countries.
Spanish 12
Course Code: MSP—12
Strongly Recommended: Spanish 11
Spanish 12 is an expert course that expands on the linguistic skills acquired in Spanish 11. Students will acquire a command of the key vocabulary and structures necessary for personal communication. Students will also develop an appreciation of the variety of cultures within the Spanish-speaking world. Students will be able to interact effectively and with some spontaneity in familiar situations drawn from real life. Students will be able to express themselves in the past, present, and future tenses while understanding the nuances of the different tenses, word placements, and vocabulary. UBC and other Canadian universities strongly recommend that students applying to the faculty of Arts complete a Language 12 class. There are Dogwood District Scholarships that are awarded to exceptional language students.
Leadership & Peer Tutoring
Athletic Leadership 12
Course Code: YLRA-2B
Students will be interviewed prior to be placed in this class.
This course is for the sports enthusiast who would like to learn more about various aspects of leadership in a sporting environment. Some topics covered in the course are Team Management, Basic Sport Med., Leading Intramural Activities, Building Leadership Capacity, Organization, Sports Nutrition and Event Planning, and “High 5 (a Nationally recognized certification that assists students in working with children’s programs in the sport and recreation industry). If time permits Students will review CPR/AED training as well as NCCP “Fundamental Movement Skills”. A practical component of the course will be included which involves leadership opportunities with the City of Port Coquitlam as well as in the school. Students will be expected to complete 50 volunteer hours during the course of the semester.
Leadership 12
Course Code: YCPA-2A
Students will be interviewed prior to being placed in this class. This course may only be taken once.
Leadership 12 is open to both grade 11 and 12 students and is designed to enhance your personal leadership skills and give you the skills to confidently lead others. There is a practical component in the course that allows students to acquire leadership skills by getting involved in the school and community events. Students will acquire volunteer hours in this course, by working with an elementary school helping engage primary students and on occasion, with senior citizens in our community. Some pertinent topics covered in this course are: leadership styles and behaviors, time management, event planning, and implementation. Teamwork skills will focus on communication, goal setting and planning, and conflict resolution. This leadership experience will help students understand the positive impact and value that they can have on their community. It is a fun and interactive course, where students will learn a great deal about their own abilities, while helping others. Optional fee for a t-shirt.
Peer Tutoring 11
Course Code: YED–1A
Peer Tutoring 11 is a course that is designed to help students develop an awareness of student diversity, establish collaborative teaching-learning relationships, discover various learning styles, and foster invaluable skills such as empathy and understanding. Peer Tutors support teachers and students in classrooms where there are diverse needs while learning the learning the theory behind effective teaching strategies. The leadership, empathy, and communication skills developed in this course are essential life and employability skills. Peer Tutoring is recommended for students who are working towards human services careers, such as teaching, counselling, and social work.
In addition to the daily peer tutoring role, students are required to attend Peer Tutoring meetings during Flex and complete assignments. Consistent, regular, and active attendance and participation are mandatory for success in Peer Tutoring.
Enrolment in Peer Tutoring 11 does not guarantee placement in the course. All students must complete an expression of interest form to be considered for Peer Tutoring 11.
Peer Tutoring 12
Course Code: YED–2A
(Pre-Requisite: Peer Tutoring 11)
Peer Tutoring 12 expands on the skills and knowledge acquired in Peer Tutoring 11. This course is an experiential learning opportunity in which students will take a more active role in supporting students with diverse needs. Peer Tutors will continue to support teachers and students in classrooms by planning instructional activities and putting these plans into practice. This hands-on approach to the teaching-learning relationship will enable students to continue to cultivate essential skills such as leadership, communication, and empathy. This course is recommended for students who wish to pursue careers such as teaching, counselling, and social work.
In addition to the daily peer tutoring role, students are required to attend Peer Tutoring meetings during Flex and complete assignments. Consistent, regular, and active attendance and participation are mandatory for success in Peer Tutoring.
Enrolment in Peer Tutoring 12 does not guarantee placement in the course. All students must complete an expression of interest form to be considered for Peer Tutoring 12.
Pre-Calculus 11
Course Code: MPREC11
This course will help build skills necessary for success in post-secondary programs that require the study of Calculus. These might include Mathematics, Sciences, Engineering and Commerce. Content includes real number system, powers, radical and rational equations, trigonometry, financial literacy, factoring, quadratic functions and inequalities. Students who successfully complete this course may go on to take Pre-Calculus 12 and/or Foundations of Mathematics 12.
Pre-Calculus 11 Honours
Course Code: MPREC11H
Enrollment in Pre-Calculus 11 Honours is limited. Students will be selected based on recommendation from their Math 10 teacher. This course is specifically designed for students with a strong aptitude and enthusiasm for math. This course follows the same curriculum as Pre-Calculus 11, but also includes a significant enrichment component, which includes a preview of Pre-Calculus 12 concepts. Assignments and projects will differ from a regular Pre-Calculus 11 class, and will help deepen their understanding of the topics being covered, but students’ marks will reflect their understanding of the Pre-Calculus 11 curriculum. Honours students are encouraged to participate in Math Contests, and are expected to maintain a high standard of academic achievement. Students who successfully complete this course may go on to take Pre-Calculus 12, and AP Calculus.
Pre-Calculus 12
Course Code: MPREC12
This is a rigorous course that will help build skills necessary for success in post-secondary programs that require the study of Calculus. These might include Mathematics, Sciences, Engineering and Commerce. Content includes trigonometry, relations and functions (exponential & logarithmic, polynomial, conics, radical, rational and transformations). It is strongly recommended that students complete Pre-Calculus 11 with at least a B, and are proficient in factoring, solving equations and graphing.
Calculus 12
Course Code: MCALC12
This course is very valuable for those students who have excellent mathematical ability and intend to take Calculus in their first year of post-secondary. Programs might include Math, Science, Engineering and Commerce. The main topics covered are properties of functions and their graphs, limits, rules of derivatives, integrals and their applications.
Pre-Calculus 12 & AP Calculus 12
Course Code: MPREC12H & ACAL-12
Pre-Calculus 12 and AP Calculus 12 is a combined year-long course. This course is intended for students who have a strong aptitude for math and will go on to take Calculus in their first year of post-secondary. Programs might include Math, Science, Engineering and Commerce. Pre-Calculus 12 will be covered at an accelerated pace to allow more time for AP Calculus material, leading up to the AP Exam in May, where credit may be earned for an equivalent first-year university math course. The AP Calculus topics include properties of functions, limits, derivatives, integrals, and their applications. It is strongly recommended that students complete Pre-Calculus 11 with an A or B.
Foundations of Math 11
Course Code: MFOM-11
This course is designed to help prepare students for post-secondary programs that do no require the study of Calculus. The course content will include: algebra, geometry, trigonometry, inductive & deductive reasoning, statistics, and finances. Successful students are those who enjoy word problems, graphing, and equation-solving.
Foundations of Math 12
Course Code: MFOM-12
This course will focus on building critical-thinking skills necessary for success in post-secondary programs that do not require the study of Calculus. Programs might include Humanities, Fine Arts, some trades and technical programs. Topics include financial mathematics, logic with numbers, set theory, probability, combinatorics, relations and functions.
Workplace Math 11
Course Code: MWPM11
This course will help prepare students for entry into some trades programs and direct entry into the workforce. The course topics include: financial literacy, rate of change, interpreting graphs, 3D objects, probability and statistics.
Concert Band 11
Course Code: MIMCB11
Concert band is perfect for people who want to play (or learn to play) music in a group. Woodwind, brass, string, and percussion instruments can do great things when they work together. Concert Band focuses on playing skills and musicianship, and we explore music from movies, musical theatre, and composters from around the world. Students perform several concerts a year and we often do field trips together as a group. Concerts Band is scheduled during Block E and meets every other day (day 1’s) all year. Beginner students are welcome at all grade levels.
NOTE: Since Concert Band is scheduled into Block E, it may be taken as a 9th or 10th class.
Concert Band 12
Course Code: MIMCB12
Concert band is perfect for people who want to play (or learn to play) music in a group. Woodwind, brass, string, and percussion instruments cand do great things when they work together. Concert Band focuses on playing skills and musicianship, and we explore music from movies, musical theatre, and composters from around the world. Students perform several concerts a year and we often do field trips together as a group. Concerts Band is scheduled during Block E and meets every other day (day 1’s) all year. Beginner students are welcome at all grade levels.
NOTE: Since Concert Band is scheduled into Block E, it may be taken as a 9th or 10th class.
Concert Choir 11
Course Code: MCMCC11
For grade 11 students
Everyone who likes to sing or wants to learn to sing should join choir. Choir students rehearse a diverse mix of music as they learn repertoire and prepare for performances. Vocal technique, movement/choreography, and performance skills are things we explore together. The Choir present several concerts each year we we often do many field trips as a group. Choir is scheduled during Block E and meets every other day (Day 2’s) all year. No prior music experience is necessary.
NOTE: Since Concert Choir is scheduled into Block E, it may be taken as a 9th or 10th class.
Concert Choir 12
Course Code: MCMCC12
For grade 12 students.
Everyone who likes to sing or wants to learn to sing should join choir. Choir students rehearse a diverse mix of music as they learn repertoire and prepare for performances. Vocal technique, movement/choreography, and performance skills are things we explore together. The Choir present several concerts each year we we often do many field trips as a group. Choir is scheduled during Block E and meets every other day (Day 2’s) all year. No prior music experience is necessary.
NOTE: Since Concert Choir is scheduled into Block E, it may be taken as a 9th or 10th class.
Guitar 11
Course Code: MIMG-11
Students who wish to continue guitar studies, or are a senior student and wish to learn guitar for the first time are encouraged to take this course. Also, students who have taken Rock School 9-12 and wish to continue to study intermediate performance guitar skills are encouraged to take this course.
Guitar 12
Course Code: MIMG-12
Students who wish to continue guitar studies, or are a senior student and wish to learn guitar for the first time are encouraged to take this course. Also, students who have taken Rock School 9-12 and wish to continue to study guitar are encouraged study to take this course. The emphasis will be on continuing to develop tab/ note reading, chording, and accompaniment skills. Students will receive individualized instruction for part of the term and will receive additional instructional in extended techniques. eg. bends, hammer-ons, pull-offs, scales, soloing, and improvisation in addition to the opportunity to pursue more challenging guitar repertoire. The school provides guitars and music for this course.
Musical Theatre 10, 11, 12
Course Code: MMUTH10
BY AUDITION ONLY. Instructor permission required.
Dreaming of being a Broadway star?! Musical Theatre is a high-intensity course for students passionate about theatre. In September, students audition for a role in a full-scale production of a published Broadway musical. Students who are cast will work at a professional pace in rehearsal to learn their roles in singing, dancing, and acting. Students must be diligent in practicing and preparing on their own time. Through this process, students will experience all phases of a professional production from auditioning to performing with all required technical elements. This course runs linearly out of the regular timetable; rehearsals are in the evenings after school. Previous Drama classes or performance experience is highly recommended.
Choosing this course during course selection indicates the student’s intention to audition.
Recording Arts 11 (Media Design)
Course Code: MMUCP11
Students should have some beginner music skills, but it is not absolutely necessary. All students are encouraged to join. This is a great opportunity for students to learn how to write or arrange and record compositions of their favourite music styles including Rap, Hip Hop and electronic dance music. This is an advanced course designed for students who want to extend the previous level of skills. However, first time students are also welcomed to enroll and they will receive entry-level instruction to enable them to have success in this course. Students will receive an mp3 of their mastered recording.
Recording Arts 12 (Media Design)
Course Code: MMUCP12
Students should have some beginner music skills, but it is not absolutely necessary…All students are encouraged to join. This is a great opportunity for students to learn how to learn how to write or arrange and record their favourite music styles including Rap, Hip Hop and electronic dance music. This is an advanced course designed for students who want to extend the previous level of skills. However, first time students are also welcomed to enrol and they will receive entry-level instruction to enable them to have success in this course. Students will receive an mp3 of their mastered recording.
Rock School 11 (Contemporary Music)
Course Code: MMUCM11
Students should have an understanding of beginner level skills on instrument or voice. However, ALL Students are invited to join rock school for the first time in order to develop their musical skills.
A continuation of Contemporary Music 10, this course is designed to create a learning environment for advanced musicians who will receive instruction in how to organize and rehearse contemporary music ensembles in the genres of their choosing including Rock, Metal, Pop, Punk, R&B, Rap & Hip Hop. Students should have enough ability to play through a simple song to a CD at tempo. Experienced students will be expected to perform a full set of contemporary music. Opportunities to perform will be made available. Beginner students will have the opportunity to learn their instruments during the course and will not be required to perform at the final show if they are not yet performance ready. These students will receive an adapted grade.
Rock School 12 (Contemporary Music)
Course Code: MMUCM12
Students should have an understanding of beginner level skills on instrument or voice. However, ALL Students are invited to join rock school for the first time in order to develop their musical skills.
This course is designed to continue a more in depth study of the concepts taught in Contemporary Music 11 and apply them to performing complex arrangements in the genres of their choosing including Rock, Metal, Pop, Punk, R&B, Rap & Hip Hop. Students should have enough ability to play through a simple song to a CD at tempo. *However, beginners are encouraged to join in order to develop their music skills for the first time. Beginner students will have the opportunity to learn their instruments during the course and will not be required to perform at the final show if they are not yet performance ready. These students will receive an adapted grade. Different approaches to arranging contemporary (rock) music will be explored. Students will be instructed in methods of communicating contemporary arrangements to a rock band musical ensemble in order to rehearse and perform them. Students will be instructed on copyright law and registering with SOCAN as well as reviewing other essential information regarding the music business.
Physical Education
Athletic Weight Training 11
Course Code: YLRA-1B
This is a course designed for self-motivated elite athletes in Grade 10, 11, or 12 who wish to take a weight-training class to increase their performance in a variety of sports – including (but not limited to!) football, basketball, wrestling, or soccer. The “complete athlete” approach will be emphasized, which consists of (but not limited to) strength training, speed & agility, plyometrics, recovery methods, nutrition, injury prevention, etc. The course is designed to be a full-year course that provides eight credits, and students require the support of a coach and/or PE teacher to be eligible, as well as a year-long commitment to training and an application form that will be filled out by all students who request the course.
Athletic Weight Training 12
Course Code: YLRA-2D
This is a course designed for self-motivated elite athletes in Grade 10, 11, or 12 who wish to take a weight-training class to increase their performance in a variety of sports – including (but not limited to!) football, basketball, wrestling, or soccer. The “complete athlete” approach will be emphasized, which consists of (but not limited to) strength training, speed & agility, plyometrics, recovery methods, nutrition, injury prevention, etc. The course is designed to be a full-year course that provides eight credits, and students require the support of a coach and/or PE teacher to be eligible, as well as a year-long commitment to training and an application form that will be filled out by all students who request the course.
Boys Basketball Conditioning 11
Course Code (Boys): MFTCD11BB
This course is designed for athletes who wish to develop sport specific fitness and skills. Students will focus on a wide variety of advanced conditioning programs such as plyometrics, interval training, running, and weight training as they relate to basketball. Specific physical components of the course will include speed, agility, weight training and quickness. Special emphasis with be placed on developing individual skill development programs that best meet the student’s needs. This course is open to grade 10, 11 and 12 students and will be offered on a year-long schedule from 6:45 am to 7:30 am. This means it can be taken as a 9th course.
Boys Basketball Conditioning 12
Course Code (Boys) : MFTCD12BB
This course is designed for athletes who wish to develop sport specific fitness and skills. Students will focus on a wide variety of advanced conditioning programs such as plyometrics, interval training, running, and weight training as they relate to basketball. Specific physical components of the course will include speed, agility, weight training and quickness. Special emphasis with be placed on developing individual skill development programs that best meet the student’s needs. This course is open to grade 10, 11 and 12 students and will be offered ono a linear schedule from 6:45 am to 7:30 am..
Dance Choreography 11
Course Code: MDNC-11
Choreography 11 provides students with opportunities to create dance for a variety of informal and formal settings and for a variety of purposes. Students learn to explore, create, refine, and produce dance using the elements of movement to serve artistic intentions. By working through the creative process, students develop an understanding of these elements and how they combine to form the final product, a choreographed piece. In Choreography 11 students also have opportunities to apply a range of techniques in composing dance in some of the diverse styles and genres found in Canadian society
Dance Conditioning 11
Course Code: MDNCN11
Dance is an art form that combines flexibility, strength and endurance. In this class there is a focus on personal fitness maintained and enhanced through participation in a variety of activities and dance genres at different intensity levels. Understanding the human body and how your muscles work in dance empowers dancers in their technical and artistic training. Topics include; kinesthetic awareness, planes of movement, components of fitness and the effects of different types of fitness activities on the body.
Dance Choreography 12
Course Code: MDNC-12
Choreography 11 provides students with opportunities to create dance for a variety of informal and formal settings and for a variety of purposes. Students learn to explore, create, refine, and produce dance using the elements of movement to serve artistic intentions. By working through the creative process, students develop an understanding of these elements and how they combine to form the final product, a choreographed piece. In Choreography 11 students also have opportunities to apply a range of techniques in composing dance in some of the diverse styles and genres found in Canadian society
Dance Conditioning 12
Course Code: MDNCN12
Dance is an art form that combines flexibility, strength and endurance. In this class there is a focus on creating a personalized fitness program as well as examining the psychological factors that influence dance training and performance. Understanding the human body and how your muscles work in dance empowers dancers in their technical and artistic training. Topics include anatomical terminology, somatic approaches, body conditioning, components of fitness and kinesthetic awareness.
Dance Technique & Performance 11
Course Code: MDNTP-11
Technique and Performance 11 will focus on dance as a performance art. By participating in formal and informal performances in a variety of settings, students increase their knowledge and develop skills in all phases of dance preparation and production. The emphasis is on refining students’ control of the elements of movement and presentation. Developing their awareness of the social contexts in which dance occurs is also important.
Dance Technique & Performance 12
Course Code: MDNTP-12
Technique and Performance 12 will focus on dance as a performance art. By participating in formal and informal performances in a variety of settings, students increase their knowledge and develop skills in all phases of dance preparation and production. The emphasis is on refining students’ control of the elements of movement and presentation. Developing their awareness of the social contexts in which dance occurs is also important.
Football Conditioning 11/12
Course Code (Grade 11): MFTCD11FB
Course Code (Grade 12): MFTCD12FB
This course is designed for athletes who wish to develop sport specific fitness and skills. Students will focus on a wide variety of advanced conditioning programs such as plyometrics, interval training, running, and weight training as they relate to football. Specific physical components of the course will include speed, agility, weight training and quickness. Special emphasis will be placed on developing individual skill development programs that best meet the student’s needs. This course is open to grade 10, 11 and 12 students.
Girls Basketball Conditioning 11
Course Code (Girls): MFTCD11BG
This course is designed for athletes who wish to develop sport specific fitness and skills. Students will focus on a wide variety of advanced conditioning programs such as plyometrics, interval training, running, and weight training as they relate to basketball. Specific physical components of the course will include speed, agility, weight training and quickness. Special emphasis with be placed on developing individual skill development programs that best meet the student’s needs. This course is open to grade 10, 11 and 12 students and will be offered on a year-long schedule from 6:45 am to 7:30 am. This means it can be taken as a 9th course.
Girls Basketball Conditioning 12
Course Code: MFTCD12BG
This course is designed for athletes who wish to develop sport specific fitness and skills. Students will focus on a wide variety of advanced conditioning programs such as plyometrics, interval training, running, and weight training as they relate to basketball. Specific physical components of the course will include speed, agility, weight training and quickness. Special emphasis with be placed on developing individual skill development programs that best meet the student’s needs. This course is open to grade 10, 11 and 12 students and will be offered ono a linear schedule from 6:45 am to 7:30 am..
Physical Education 11 (Active Living)
Course Code: MACLV11
This course is designed for Grade 11 or 12 students who enjoy individual or team activities in a variety of sport settings. Students will participate in a variety of school-based and optional community-based activities including: bowling, driving range, volleyball, softball, ball hockey, basketball, touch football, social dance, tumbling, ultimate frisbee, tennis, table tennis, soccer, minor games, weight training, and ice-skating. There is a $40 Course Enhancement Fee to fund the field trips.
Physical Education 12 (Active Living)
Course Code: MACLV12
Strongly Recommended: Active Living 11
This course is an extension of Active Living 11 with more of an emphasis on Leadership. It is designed for Grade 12 students who love to be active in a variety of sport and recreational settings. There is a $40 Enhancement Fee to fund the field trips.
Weight Training 11 (General Fitness)
Course Code: MFTCD11
This co-educational elective course is offered as a continuation of the program developed in the Weight Training 9/10 option. The course emphasis will be on developing and maintaining personal fitness. Weight training and selected exercise techniques will provide the basis for this course. The BFS (Bigger, Faster, Stronger) program is emphasized. This course is highly recommended for all student athletes.
Weight Training 12 (General Fitness)
Course Code: MFTCD12
This co-educational elective course is offered as a continuation of the program developed in the Weight Training 11 course. The course emphasis will be on developing and maintaining personal fitness. Weight training and selected exercise techniques will provide the basis for this course. Circuit training, split routines, pyramid training and developing your own program are emphasized. This course is highly recommended for all student athletes.
Yoga & Mindfulness 11
Course Code: MFTCD11-Y
Yoga and mindfulness is centered around enhancing health and wellness in a positive environment. The focus of the course is yoga and how it can contribute to physical and mental wellness. Students will gain a better understanding of the fundamentals of yoga through daily practice. Classes are appropriate for beginner to intermediate students. Students will be exposed to different mindfulness and meditation activities. Students may also participate in Pilates, hiking and walking programs. The course can be very helpful in balancing the stressors of high school life. If there is an interest, an overnight retreat and/or guest instructors/field trips may be offered for an additional fee. A $40 enhancement fee will be used to fund community and school activities.
Yoga & Mindfulness 12
Course Code: MFTCD12-Y
This is a continuation of Yoga and Wellness 11 with a focus on Physical and Mental wellness. While yoga will be the primary activity, students will be exposed to other lifelong recreational activities. This course can help balance the demands of the grade 12 year in an encouraging, welcoming atmosphere. A $40 enhancement fee will be used to fund community and school activities.
Astronomy 12
Course Code: MSPSC12-AS
Astronomy is the scientific study of stars, galaxies, planets, moons, asteroids, comets, and other “celestial objects”. This course provides a comprehensive introduction to modern astronomy including its historical development, practical sky observations, telescopes, and detailed information on the planets and moons in our solar system. In addition, we will study the formation of exotic objects such as quasars, pulsars, black holes, and neutron stars within the context of the life cycle of stars and the origin and evolution of our universe. This course can be taken in either grade 11 or 12 and provides a Science 11/12 credit toward graduation.
Biology 11 (Life Sciences)
Course Code: MLFSC11
This course introduces students to the diverse adaptations and ecological relationships in a variety of organisms. The course covers the following topics: microbiology, botany, zoology, and ecology with themes of evolutionary change throughout the course. Students are introduced to a variety of biological skills and scientific processes. Laboratory work, including microscopy, investigation, and classification of organisms as well as dissection is emphasized in this course.
Biology 12 (Anatomy and Physiology)
Course Code: MATPH12
This rigorous academic course encompasses two major topics of study: cellular biochemistry and human physiology. Cellular biochemistry focuses on cell organelles’ structure and function, biological molecules, DNA and protein synthesis. The human physiology portion emphasizes the interrelatedness between the major body systems: digestive, circulatory, respiratory, nervous, endocrine, urinary, and reproductive. It is strongly recommended that students have success in both Chemistry 11 and Biology 11 (a C+ or better grade) before attempting this course.
Chemistry 11
Course Code: MCH–11
Chemistry 11 is a senior science course in which students are introduced to how chemical quantities impact chemical processes. This course is composed of five modules or units: The Periodic Table and Trends, The Mole, Chemical Reactions and Stoichiometry, Solution Chemistry and Organic Chemistry. This course includes an inquiry lab-based program that relies on students’ physical skills in chemistry and requires students to predict results, plan and conduct experiments so they can analyze data to formulate conclusions. A strong background in Mathematics is required for success in this course.
Chemistry 12
Course Code: MCH–12
Chemistry 12 is a lab-oriented course that will introduce students to Equilibrium in chemical processes. It is composed of five modules: Reaction Kinetics, Chemical Equilibrium, Acids and Bases as well as Oxidation/Reduction Reactions. This course includes an inquiry lab-based program that relies on a high level of physical skills in chemistry and requires the students to predict results, plan and conduct experiments so they can analyze data to formulate conclusions. It is strongly recommended that students finish Chemistry 11 successfully before selecting Chemistry 12.
Earth Science 11
Course Code: MESC-11
This is a survey course designed to introduce students to the diverse aspects of earth and space science. The main organizing units are Geologic Science, Oceanographic Science, Astronomical Science, Atmospheric Science, and Earth History. The course has a significant hands-on component aimed at developing both knowledge and the various skills of science.
Environmental Science 12
Course Code: MEVSC12
This course provides students with fundamental knowledge and skills relating to environmental science. Students will explore a range of topics, including diverse ecosystems, natural processes, human impacts, and sustainability, as well as stewardship and habitat restoration. Students will have opportunities for fieldwork in our own greenhouse and gardens as well as at the Blakeburn Lagoons. Students will also engage with First Peoples’s perspectives and other Traditional Ecological Knowledge. Students should have strong work habits, a keen interest in environmental stewardship, and be comfortable working outdoors (rain or shine). This course can be taken in either grade 11 or 12 and provides a Science 11/12 credit toward graduation.
Geology 12
Course Code: MGEOL12
This course covers the fundamentals of geology: rocks, minerals, geologic time, fossils, plate tectonics, earthquakes, volcanoes, surface processes, comparative planetology, structural geology, geologic map interpretation, and earth resources. This course will offer both theoretical and practical lessons in geology along with an emphasis on the geologic setting and history of British Columbia. Students interested in paleontology (fossils, dinosaurs, etc.) and/or the mining/resource industry will find this course particularly valuable. This course can be taken in either grade 11 or 12 and provides a Science 11/12 credit toward graduation.
Physics 11
Course Code: MPH–11
In Physics 11, students develop and use mathematics tools (including some introductory two-dimensional trigonometry) and experimentation to study the nature of motion (kinematics and dynamics) and the factors affecting motion. These are extended to the study of gravity, Newton’s Laws, and the conservation of energy. The course also gives an overview of the nature of electric circuits and mechanical (sound) waves. It is recommended that students are proficient in mathematics when choosing Physics 11.
Physics 12
Course Code: MPH–12
Physics 12 asks students to be much more rigorous in their analysis and mathematics of concepts. These ideas include statics, circular motion, the relationship between fields (gravitational and electromagnetic), and in-depth two-dimensional trigonometric analysis of motion, momentum, and inertia problems. There is also a discussion of Einsteinian frames of reference and relativity. It is strongly recommended that students finish Physics 11 successfully before selecting Physics 12.
Science for Citizens 11
Course Code: MSCCT11
Allows students to explore how science informs our decisions and impacts our daily lives. We will look at connections between science, technology and society while developing skills for analyzing these interactions. This is a multi-disciplinary course that covers topics in three major areas: personal science, workplace science and global science. Emphasis will be placed on interaction and participation in class activities as well as engagement in discussion and group work. The goals of Science for Citizens 11 are to develop and appreciate the interactive nature of science, develop an ability to respond critically to technological and environmental issues, and become scientifically literate citizens. **This course satisfies the required Gr. 11/12 science credit needed for graduation
Sports Science 12
Course Code: MSPSC12-SS
This course can be taken in either grade 11 or 12 and provides a Science 11/12 credit toward graduation.
This course is designed to expose students to aspects of Biology, Biochemistry and Physics as concerned with sports and the human body. The topics that will be explored will prepare students for post-secondary work in the faculties of Kinesiology (SFU) and Human Kinetics (UBC). Those topics include human anatomy and physiology, biomechanics and other principles of physics, analysis of team and individual sports, principles of training, nutrition, and sports injury management.
Social Studies
Explorations in Social Studies 11
Course Code: MEPSS11
This is a course that provides graduation credits for Social Studies and also gives students a small window into some Grade 12 electives such as History, Law, Comparative Cultures, and Geography. This course explores themes and topics in Social Justice, Indigenous People Studies, Civics & Government and Human Geography. This course introduces students to potential Social Studies Department electives they may wish to take in their Grade 12 year. Students are STRONGLY encouraged to take this course in their Grade 11 year if they earned below 80% in Social Studies 10.
20th Century World History
Course Code: MWH–12
Strongly Recommended: Social Studies 10 (a “B” standing or better is strongly recommended) This course is an in-depth study of major 20th century world events and the people who helped shape them. The course content is directly connected to the THREE main concepts: 1. Nationalist movements can unite people in common causes or lead to intense conflict between different groups. 2. The rapid development and proliferation of technology in the 20th century led to profound social, economic, and political changes. 3. The breakdown of long-standing empires created new economic and political systems. Students will examine the major events, trends and personalities from this turbulent century, as well as developing fundamental skills needed to study History and properly understand the past. 20th Century World History is a challenging, interesting and important course with an emphasis on critical thinking, communication skills (written and oral) and citizenship.
B.C. First Peoples 12
Course Code: MBCFP-12
BC First Peoples 12 is a course for anyone who would like to develop a deeper understanding of Canada as a country. Students will investigate how colonialism impacts the political, social, and economic lives of BC’s First Peoples, and how Indigenous peoples challenge and resist that colonialism. We will explore: Indigenous world views and traditions; important laws, legislation, and legal cases; First Nations treaties, land title and collective rights; Indigenous activism and social movements; First Nations leadership, and governance; Indigenous representation and identity; and what Canada and settler Canadians can do to make progress on justice for, and reconciliation with Indigenous peoples.
**BC First Peoples 12 can be used to meet the Indigenous focused course requirement students must meet to graduate.**
Comparative Cultures 12
Course Code: MCMCL12
Explore ancient civilizations including those in Africa, as well as Mesopotamia, Egypt, Greece and Rome through art, architecture, writing, religion, technology, and government. This is a hands-on course with many opportunities for student to choose areas of interest and how they will demonstrate their learning. The focus on critical thinking skills and culture makes this a great background course for students interested in all areas of History, Literature, Archaeology, and Art.
Human Geography 12
Course Code: MHGEO12
This course investigates the complex relationship between human and their natural environment. Human Geography 12 analyzes this relationship through FOUR large concepts. 1.Analyzing data from a variety of sources allows us to better understand our globally connected world. 2. Demographic patterns and population distribution are influenced by physical features and natural resources. 3. Human activities alter landscapes in a variety of ways. 4. A geographic region can encompass a variety of physical features and/or human interactions. The major course concepts will be explored through the following content topics: • demographic patterns of growth, decline, and movement • relationships between cultural traits and impacts on the environment.
Law Studies 12
Course Code: MLST-12
This course is open to grade 11 and 12 students. The course will provide a comprehensive look into law and the legal process, particularly as they relate to the Canadian justice system. In addition to discussing the basic components of the law, the course will explore some of the major legal issues facing Canadians, including: the parole system; young offenders and juvenile justice: legal implications of physical and sexual child abuse; constitutional rights under the Charter; children’s rights; forensics; women’s rights. Field trips, guest speakers, films, and documentaries all add to the course. Students will analyze actual legal cases utilizing decision-making techniques with their legal knowledge to determine case outcomes.
Philosophy 12
Course Code: MPHIL12
Philosophy is a discipline that examines the fundamental nature of knowledge, reality, and existence. Philosophy provides tools for investigating meaning and fostering understanding of different ways of thinking. Examining questions in philosophy allows people to question their assumptions and better understand their own beliefs. While philosophical questions often examine issues with no definitive answers, logic and reasoned arguments can show which answers have more or less value. In this course we will study such things as: reasoning and argument, the nature of reality, epistemology (how we know what we know), social and political philosophy, and theories of morality, ethics, and aesthetics.
Successful completion of the course will provide you with 4 social studies credits towards graduation and university entrance requirements.
Physical Geography 12
Course Code: MPGEO-12
Physical processes that affect the earth in the past, present and future form the basis of this course. Topics include plate tectonics, volcanism, earthquakes, erosion, climate, weather, map skills, vegetation, and soils. The discussion of these topics leads to an understanding of resources and resource management and human interaction with an ever-changing environment. Course study includes numerous tests and assignments as well as lab and field studies work. This course will form an excellent background for future studies or occupation in the field of geography.
AP Psychology 12
Course Code: APSY-12
AP Psychology is a fast paced and challenging university level course on the scientific study of human behavior and mental processes. Students should be mature, self- motivated, problem solvers ready for a significant academic challenge. Ideally students will already have taken Psychology 12. This course will cover: History and Approaches, Research Methods, the Brain and Biology, Sensation and Perception, Consciousness, Learning, Memory, learning, Motivation and Emotion, Developmental Psychology, Personality, Testing, Abnormal Psychology and Treatment as well as Social psychology. Students will have the opportunity to earn high school credit and to also write the AP exam in May to earn University credit.
This is a University Credit Course
It is recommended that students have at least a B average in academic classes to enroll in AP classes.
Psychology 12
Course Code: YPSYC2A
This is an academic elective. The focus for this course is the scientific study of human behaviour. Students will be introduced to the history of psychology, the scientific method, the Brain and Biology, Stress, Sensation and Perception, Consciousness, Developmental Psychology, Abnormal Psychology, Gender and Human Sexuality. This course will be of interest to students who are considering careers in education, law and mental health.
Social Justice 12
Course Code: MSJ–12
This course is open to all students in grade 11 and 12. The course has three focus areas: Defining social justice, recognizing, and overcoming injustice, and creating a socially just world. In this class, students will explore: how to understand people’s values and identities; Indigenous and settler issues; race and racism; gender and feminism; LGBTQ2S+ and queer issues; class, poverty, and economic inequality; and social justice activism. A central part of this course is learning how to better understand and communicate across differences, and how to move forward on these issues together!
Tech Ed
Automotive Technology 11
Course Code: MTAUT11
Strongly Recommended to be taken first: Power Technology 10.
This course is designed as an introduction to the basic repair and maintenance procedures of the modern automobile. Owning a vehicle is not required to participate the class. The Students leave this course with a basic understanding of the working systems of the automobile, the tools used, and the industry-wide standards of safety, maintenance and repairs.
Automotive Technology 12
Course Code: MTAUT12
Strongly Recommended: Automotive Technology 11. Building on Automotive Technology 11, this course will explore the theory and operation of advanced automotive systems. Owning a vehicle is not required to participate the class. The student is expected to possess a high degree of competency in basic shop procedures and hands-on exercises with minimal instruction. The students will be expected to apply their previous knowledge as they learn to diagnose and repair the more advanced vehicle systems that will be covered in Automotive Technology 12.
Drafting 11
Course Code: MTDRF11
This course is designed for students interested in engineering, interior design, industrial design, architecture, carpentry, steel fabrication, and many other professions. The students will explore the elements and techniques used for sketching, designing, modeling and creating mechanical and basic architectural drawings. This course covers the basics of sketching then quickly moves on to 2-D Computer Assisted Drafting and Design (CADD) software. Students will also have access to our 3-D printers, laser cutters and cricuts to bring their designs to life. Students will be given the opportunity to create artistic CADD designs which may then be produced as vinyl decals, T-Shirt heat transfers or machined on our CNC equipment. As a final product, students will create a digital Portfolio highlighting their work that could be useful for future careers and/or Post Secondary applications. No previous experience necessary. Students may take Drafting each year if they wish.
Drafting 12
Course Code: MTDRF12
This course is designed for students interested in engineering, interior design, industrial design, architecture, carpentry, steel fabrication, and many other professions. The students will explore the elements and techniques used for sketching, designing, modeling and creating mechanical and basic architectural drawings. This course covers the basics of sketching then quickly moves on to 2-D Computer Assisted Drafting and Design (CADD) software. Students will also have access to our 3-D printers, laser cutters and cricuts to bring their designs to life. Students will be given the opportunity to create artistic CADD designs which may then be produced as vinyl decals, T-Shirt heat transfers or machined on our CNC equipment. As a final product, students will create a digital Portfolio highlighting their work that could be useful for future careers and/or Post Secondary applications. No previous experience necessary. Students may take Drafting each year if they wish.
Engine and Drive Train 12
Course Code: MTEAD12
Strongly Recommended: Automotive Technology 11.
This course will have a focus on understanding how the engine and drivetrain work together in a vehicle. Students will have hands on experience with engine/drivetrain swaps, and the challenges associated with them. Custom fabrication and fitting of various automotive parts will also be covered in the course. This course is recommended for students that wish to have more of a hands-on learning experience.
Furniture and Cabinetry 12
Course Code: MTFAC12
This course is structured to study and practice cabinetry and millwork procedures. Types of materials, hardware and finishes in cabinet construction will be explored. The construction of face frame and flush style cabinets as well as drawer components and stile and rail doors will be taught. Students will have the opportunity to create projects made with wood and achieve a sense of accomplishment in being able to demonstrate the skills acquired in relation to a range of learning objectives. Students should have successfully completed a grade 11 level woodwork course before enrolling. It is expected that students will complete two or three quality projects to take home during this program. Basic costs are covered but it is expected that students will pay for the materials.
Machining and Welding 12
Course Code: MTMAW12
This course builds on the various welding processes studied in the requisite Metalwork courses. Students will be producing a number of advanced welds using a variety of techniques, equipment and procedures. Emphasis is placed on operational and safety knowledge of the procedures and related equipment and tools while the student develops the techniques to produce quality welded joints through a range of advanced project work.
Metalwork (Art & Jewelry) 12
Course Code: MTAMJ12
This course is designed for students to learn metalwork techniques in the construction of projects. Emphasis will be on creativity and design prior to building. Students will learn to use drill presses, ring casting equipment, lathes, grinders and welding equipment, along with sheet metal and hand tools throughout the semester.
Metalwork 10, 11, 12
Course Code (10): MTMET10
Course Code (11): MTMET11
Course Code (12): MTMET12
This grade course involves general metalworking and the study of various branches of the metal working industry. The course involves theoretical and practical studies in the following areas: design, bench work, shop sketching, oxy-acetylene and mig welding, and machine operations. After completing the basic requirements of the course, students may study or complete projects in any area of metalwork under the guidance of the teacher. Basic supplies are provided, however, the student should expect to pay for project materials.
Robotics 11/12
Course Codes:
Robotics 11: MTROB11
Robotics 12: MTROB12
Robotics 11 students will learn robotic design and production with relation to subsystems, structure, power and motion. Using Microbits, Arduinos, Fidgets, Spheros, and Lego Mindstorms, students will use a wide range of sensors together with coding and logic to interact with the world through various actuators to create ‘smart’ devices. Keen students have the option of competing in the VEX Robotics World Competition along with 20,000 other teams from 50 countries. The course will run in Semester 1 for students who want to take Robotics 11 and CO-OP 11.
Vehicle Ownership & Maintenance 11
Course Code: YMR—1B
This course is designed to provide the future owner/driver with a basic working knowledge of the mechanical functions of the modern automobile. Owning a vehicle is not required to participate the class. The practical work and demonstrations will cover the basic routine maintenance, repair and safety checks required to keep your vehicle in proper running order. NOTE: This is a BASIC COURSE ONLY, it is consumer oriented, covering the operating, maintaining and purchasing of an automobile.
Woodwork 11
Course Code: MWWK-11
This course will introduce students to the fundamental skills that are common in the trades of carpentry and joinery. The curriculum is intended to build on the skills learned in wood work 10 so students that have not participated in that course will be placed at an entry level whilst students who have successfully completed the course will be working at an intermediate level. Students will have the opportunity to create and construct a variety of projects made with different species of wood. It is expected that students will produce two or three quality projects in this program that they will take home throughout the year. The projects will form the basis upon the students assessment. Basic costs are covered but it is expected that students will pay for the materials.
Woodwork 12
Course Code: MWWK-12
This course is structured to provide the opportunity for students to further develop their skills in the production of more advanced wood projects. Special skills and machine set-ups will be used in the construction of projects for personal use. Students will gain the skills that are fundamental in the carpentry and joinery fields and achieve a sense of accomplishment in being able to demonstrate the skills acquired in relation to a range of learning objectives. Basic costs are covered but students are expected to pay for the materials.
Additional Support & ELL Courses
English Acquisition I
Course Code: XLDCA10EAL
For students who are beginning learners of English or who are experiencing difficulties with all aspects of English listening, speaking, reading and writing. This course is suitable for students in grades 9-12.
English Acquisition II
Course Code: XLDCB10EAL
This course provides additional support for EAL students who have passed EAL Beginners, but need further instruction in basic reading, writing and speaking skills.
This course is suitable for students in grades 9-12.
English Language Development 10
Course Code: YESFLOA
The course is designed to continue to develop the four main English language skills of reading, writing, listening, and speaking to EAL students. It also encourages the viewing and representation of materials. The course focuses on reinforcing strategies needed to read, write and extract information successfully in English, and addresses specific needs of students regarding language and culture. Throughout the course, students participate in authentic real-life situations. Students demonstrate growth in English language proficiency through oral, visual, and a variety of written forms. Students identify and compare their own customs to Canadian culture.
English Language Development 11
Course Code: YESFL1B
This course is designed for students who has successfully completed English Language Development 10 and have a first language other than English. The course is designed to extend the students’ exploration of the English language skills of reading, listening, speaking, and viewing, with a particular emphasis on intercultural competency, academic vocabulary, genre, and written expression.
Introduction to Academic Language 10
Course Code: YESFL0B
This course is designed to build students’ writing, speaking, listening, and reading competencies by introducing them to a variety of text genres, registers, structures, forms, and styles. Included in this course are the elements that make up Canadian Culture, Geography, and History (cultural identity and First Peoples culture). and acquaints students new to Canada with Canadian culture and customs and prepares students for Social Studies and English courses. This course is suitable for students in gr. 10 -12.
Learning Centre 221
(NON-CREDIT) – Grades 9-12
Course Code: XLDCD09
This is a non-credit course for students which offers targeted support to students who have an IEP and/or require on-going academic support in order to successfully meet the learning outcomes of their courses.
Support includes:
-Direct support for students in academic subjects, skill building, organization, and study skills through weekly targeted lesson instruction or 1-1 support.
-Development of self-advocacy skills, goal setting, and effective self-assessment practices on learning and goals for courses or IEP.
-Time and assistance to complete homework, review/clarify course concepts, prepare for tests, and complete assessments in an alternate space.
Applications of Learning 10: 4 credit course option (available to full-year LC students)
Course Code: YMIS-0B0TH
Full-year Learning Centre students enrolled in the credit option will engage in a variety of activities that include completing a limited number of quizzes, self-reflections, self-assessments, classroom teacher assessments, and showcasing their evidence of learning with exemplars to satisfy course requirements for AOL 10 to receive 4 credits towards their graduation requirement of 80 credits.