Computer Programming 11
Course Code: MCMPR11
Strongly Recommended: Math 10
Computer Programming 11 introduces students to computer science and will help prepare them for post-secondary computer science courses. Some of the programming concepts covered are: variables, input/output, conditional control structures, loops, methods and arrays. These concepts are covered by writing small programs. While creating these simple programs students will learn problem solving skills and improve their ability to think logically. Computer Programming 11 is an ideal course for students pursuing a career in computer science, engineering, general sciences, or business as many of these fields require computer programming as part of their course studies.
Computer Programming 12
Course Code: MCMPR12
Strongly recommended: Math 11 and Computer Programming 11
Computer Programming 12 is a continuation of Computer Programming 11. Students will build upon the skills and concepts they learned in the previous course and apply them with the new concepts learned in this course to create complex programs. Students will develop creative solutions for various types of problems as their understanding of the computing environment grows. Computer Programming 12 is an ideal course for students pursuing a career in computer science, engineering, general sciences, or business.
Computer Science 12
Course Code: MMACS12
Requirements: Pre-Calculus 12 (concurrently) and Computer Programming 11
Computer Science 12 is an advance course for students interested in studying Computer Science, Engineering, or advanced Mathematics at University. Topics covered will include access variables, data structures, sorting and searching algorithms, recursion, object-oriented programming, reading/writing files, mathematical and science modeling, and applications of computer science. Students will need to demonstrate a high level of understanding, an ability to work independently and a strong interest in the subject to be approved for this course. This course can be used as an approved Grade 12 course for most Universities.
Digital Learning 10
Digital Learning (DL) is a course assigned to all Grade 9 students. The goal is to teach students the digital tools and competencies they will need to be successful in high school and to be safe online. The course is not assigned to any block in the bell schedule; therefore, students will need to complete the course during Flex or during their free time. Since it is designated a grade 10 course, students will receive 4 credits towards their graduation portfolio. Here are links to the course outline and curricular competencies.
Click here for the Digital Learning 10 Course Outline.
Click here for the Digital Learning 10 Curricular Competencies
Click here for the Digital Learning 10 Website
Digital Media Development 12
Course Code: MMDMD-12
Strongly recommended: Media Design 11 or Web Development 10
This course is open to all students in grades 10 to 12. Digital Media Development will give students the opportunity to gain the knowledge and skills required to develop and produce interactive digital media projects. Students will explore topics such as 2D graphic design and publishing, digital animation, 3D modelling and design, and desktop video production. After completing this course, students will gain an understanding of careers in multimedia such as game design, web design, UX and UI design, computer animation, and video effects.
Graphic Production 11 (Yearbook)
Course Code: MGRPR11
Want to gain some experience with computers or experience the excitement of contributing to the planning and creation of the yearbook? Get involved with every aspect of this creative work of art. From taking photos, designing layouts and meeting athletes and performers, students will learn all the skills it takes to make this years’ annual a fantastic book. Students will gain the experience with meeting deadlines, organizational skills and working on a team. In addition, students will learn to use specialized professional quality hardware such as scanners, colour printers and digital cameras.
Graphic Production 12 (Yearbook)
Course Code: MGRPR12
This course is a continuation of Yearbook 11 that allows the experienced ‘yearbookers’ to become leaders. In addition to taking photos and designing layouts the senior students will become editors and supervisors that can personally design and manage large sections of the book.
Information & Communications Technology 9
Course Code: MADIT09
Computers are being used in almost every aspect of our lives. Information and Communications Technologies 9 is a general introduction survey course that introduces a wide variety of computer technologies to students and prepares students for a variety of skill-based careers. Areas such as web design, digital content strategies, coding fundamentals, cloud-based collaboration and a variety of multimedia technologies including digital animation and 3-D modeling are explored. After this course, students will gain a better understanding of technology and its impact on their lives.
Media Design 11
Course Code: MMEDD11
Media Design will introduce students to various media technologies for image development and design. Through a series of hands-on projects, students will learn about media production, elements of design and principles of design. The visual communication skills learned in this course can enhance your skillset for a wide variety of careers ranging from Technology to Arts to Business to Sciences.
Web Development 10
Course Code: MWBDV10
This course is open to all students in Grades 10 to 12 and counts towards your graduation requirements. Web Development will introduce students to the foundational languages and coding techniques of modern web development, including HTML, CSS, and Javascript. Students will learn to create functional and interactive websites and incorporate good design principles in their assignments. In addition, students will explore other topics such as databases, game design, and responsive web design