Final Reflection

How did your entire project go? This project has been a long and time consuming process, tireless nights of no sleep. I’m happy what we have accomplished, the presentation looked nice and the comments we received were encouraging. I would have liked too had more time or spend my time more wisely when the passion project was given too us because I would have been able to complete more buildings yachts and more.

How was the event? I thought the event was quite successful, I first thought the presentation wasn’t going to be as good as it was. I was under a lot of anxiety and stress, but I was impressed and proud of myself for what I accomplished.

What would you do differently or keep?

Things I would have done differently is plan out the project before we start building. My partner and I started building before we planned the project when this project given out to us, but we planned after week 2 and it all worked out. We plan on expanding this project to our grade 10 passion project where we have more islands.

How was your presentation?

Our presentation went well, we made a video and PowerPoint for our project showing what steam was what we did and a QR code for people who wanted extra information on our project. Our presentation was well thought out, our project was eye captivating and easily grabbed attention because of the scale of our project.

Overall, I’m happy of what I have accomplished

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