How does my project connect to Steam?
Well there are 4 aspects that are incorporated into my project which includes:
Science, Technology, Arts, and Math
With helping the ecological system I pick up garbage, clear out habitats of living organisms, and all around making the environment safer.
I have created a new page on my website with multiple topics discussing plalking and waste, my reflections and personal interests. On my poster, I have a QR code that leads directly to my Capstone page that displays more info than what’s on my poster.
Out of the trash I found, I have 2 options. I can make art out of it, or I can go to the recycling depot. What I have done is use the most of what I found (cigarette butts and wrappers) to create a personal painting piece. I made an art piece that is a painting of my favourite beach with wrappers as my sunset and cigarettes as my logs.
In this project, statistics are used a lot to calculate how much garbage there is around the world, and in smaller places, such as the areas I have visited.