meaningful quote:
He who limps is still walking – Stanislaw Lec
I really like this quote because through life you face a lot of obstacles but you still keep on going, and that’s what this quote means to me. I chose it because its a good thing to remind yourself at difficult times.
I chose this video because I believe that most of the time we can be our biggest motivators but also our biggest enemies. You having the right mindset can be the difference between failing or succeeding at something.
inspiring picture:
I chose this picture because to me it’s what I’d picture the feeling accomplished and happy to look as. As of right now my main goals are to feel proud and happy with myself at the end of the day, and this picture inspires me to accomplish that every day.
I chose the varsity website because as an all star cheerleader this website is an essential. It has information on all the types of cheerleading (and dance), on competitions, apparel, opportunities, etc. So it’s staple for finding information.
self assessment: