in the second term of STEAM I learned a lot more about computer programming, auto cad, etc.

This is a very important family piece to me. my great grandpa made it for his wife 80 years ago. by the time I got it, it had a bit o water damage and needed to be repaired. my grandpa asked me to fix it up in tech ed and that’s what I did! in the end I am very proud of the ay this stool turned out.

The first time I used the embroidery machine I made this. it is my passion project store logo. I designed it myself and outlined the original drawing on inscape.

this is the original logo idea.

Here is an eco foods name tag for my employees. I made it out of cardboard so it can be reused and then I used the laser cutter to engrave and cut out my design.

in science class we watched butterfly’s grow from caterpillars to beautiful butterflies. it was really cool to study .