trying the machines and programs

this year I had a chance to try all of the software and machines that I had access to. it was really cool for me to learn about computer programming because I haven’t had a chance to do that sort of thing before. i was very proud of the things that I have learned this year.

here is may original design for my stores logo. i imported this picture into inkscape and auto trced the image to create a sticker and embroidered emblem.

this is the original logo design. I took a picture of my design and auto-traced it on Inkscape.  I colored in the outline of my creation to make a sticker on the sticker cutter.

here is my sticker.

here is my window sticker I was very proud of how it turned out. I took the same software that I used to make the sticker and imported it to the embroidery machine. 


after 45 minutes on the embroidery machine, my logo was done and I was so happy with how it turned out.

Passion project

street view

when I was thinking about what to do for my passion project I thought about our worlds greatest issues and problems. I noticed that plastic pollution is one of the worst things that we are dealing with right now. an outstanding amount of this plastic is from food and supply packaging. one way we can prevent this is by making eco friendly brands more accessible. so my partner and I came up with a project proposal to create an eco friendly store. the main goal of this store is to reduce plastic package weights and replace them with reusable packaging like paper bags and glass jars. We made a Minecraft model of what our store would look like. the main goal was to come up with a zero waste store and I think we did good tp accomplish that. Our store is called Eco Foods and it is designed to be the most eco friendly store.

parking lot

overhead view


fresh food area

home supplies

Here is an eco foods name tag for my employees. I made it out of cardboard so it can be reused and then I used the laser cutter to engrave and cut out my design.

inkscape logo

tote bag logo

window sticker

2022 Highlights

in the second term of STEAM I learned a lot more about computer programming, auto cad, etc.

This is a very important family piece to me. my great grandpa made it for his wife 80 years ago. by the time I got it, it had a bit o water damage and needed to be repaired. my grandpa asked me to fix it up in tech ed and that’s what I did! in the end I am very proud of the ay this stool turned out.

The first time I used the embroidery machine I made this. it is my passion project store logo. I designed it myself and outlined the original drawing on inscape.

this is the original logo idea.

Here is an eco foods name tag for my employees. I made it out of cardboard so it can be reused and then I used the laser cutter to engrave and cut out my design.

in science class we watched butterfly’s grow from caterpillars to beautiful butterflies. it was really cool to study .

2021 highlights

this is my first year of high school and I have loved it. STEAM was a great opportunity for me to learn new ways of doing things as well as programming on computers for the first time. i have learnt so much this year. here are some of my 2021 highlights.

Tis is my ecosystem project our grp8ups goal was to create a model of he wetlands in bc. we taught the rest of STEAM about the ways wetlands work and thrive it was a very fun project and we did really well overall.

The first weeks of school was a whirlwind. in the first week there was a fire in a classroom on the second floor. we spent a long time outside waiting for it to be over.