Capstone Project 11

Heart Model Project

The Heart Model Project is the 11th year’s capstone project with a focus on the human heart. The heart was 3D printed out of thermoplastic polyurethane (TPU) to depict the elasticity and material of the heart as realistically as possible with the materials made available.

Purpose and Incentives Behind the Project

Before I started developing a passion project on the heart, I have been planning to 3D print out all the organs of the human body since last year, a goal I still intend to accomplish. One of the first organs I managed to 3D print was the heart. The first model of the heart was primitive, unrealistic, and unsatisfactory. Originally, I had wanted to improve my past model of the heart and continue with printing out the remaining organs I had left to model. While working on the heart, I grew more curiosity and interest in learning more about the functions of the heart in detail. Eventually, I had gotten around fully modelling the exterior and interior of the human heart. Although I have no interest in specialising in cardiology, I believe that I could still benefit from being more knowledgeable about the heart.

Future Plans

I am undecided about the direction for my next and final project. While I still plan to finish printing out all the organs of the human body, I hope to take on another project. An idea I have been exploring for my next project is the assembly of the entire skeletal structure of a human. I also have been interested in the idea of creating a functional heart.