These are the images of my main project: Robot v3.
Progress made since the beginning of this project:
Robot V1 (2021)
Robot V2 (2021-2022)
Robot V3 (2022- 2023)
-Bluetooth controlled (through the app)
-Autonomous mode (functions with minimum inputs from the user)
-Text-to-action (through the app you can now write what you want the robot to do and it will do it) -version 1, only 10 commands.
-more features will be added in the future
-Sep 2022, reinforced the outer shell
-Oct 2022, reinforced the wheels, moved the battery.
-Nov 2022, components added ( 1x IR distance sensor) , (removing Ultra-sonic sensor) -no need for ultra-sonic sensor IR sensor is enough.
-Dec 2022, code improvements and components added (Bluetooth module, 2x L293D micro-chips)
–Dec-Jan 2022-2023, Here a lot of changes have been made so it’s renamed to version 4: complete redesign of wiring and connections. (improved power usage, speed and functionality, sensors and micro-chips added)
-Jan-Feb 2023, Increasing power capacity from 5500 mAh to 11,100 mAh. (adding a solar panel and 5600 mAh battery to an existing 5500 mAh battery) -Increasing speed and torque. The overall speed and torque will be increased by at least 3 times. Because the second battery is going to be used for drive motors only and the 5500 mAh will be used for sensors, processors, transmitters and servos. This is also where the robot is renamed to Version 4.
–Mar 2023, Code refinements, bug fixes. Extra time to implement the new battery into the design of the robot. End of V4 starting to work on the next version.
-Mar-Apr 2023, Building a new version of the Robot (v5).
-May, testing of v5.
More images of Robot V3:
2022 images (pre-updates)
2023 Jan 19 V4