Digital Citizenship
This is my podcast for the disinformation questions and I speak about such topics as what disinformation is, how it impacts communities, real world examples of disinformation, how its impacted me and how to help others with it.
The Script:
- What is disinformation?
Disinformation means the deliberate creation or sharing of false information to mislead people.
- How does disinformation impact a community?
Disinformation affects and impacts society in many ways. The public trust levels could be brought to a low and could cause much social disruption. The spreading of this propaganda can affect such things as banking systems, elections, mental health and much more
- Find and describe a recent real-world example where disinformation impacted a community.
There was a concentrated “fake news” ecosystem highly active both during and after the 2016 election where about 10 million tweets were analyzed, and the study linked more than 6.6 million tweets to fake news and conspiracy news publishers in the month before the 2016 election. This swayed people’s voting
- Give an example/share an experience of how disinformation impacted you or your community.
An example of how disinformation impacted my community is when the Covid – 19 vaccines were made public people started spreading disinformation around them and saying things that were false but that led to people believing what was said and made many not comfortable with vaccines.
- How would you help your fellow classmates identify and stop the spread of disinformation?
How I would help my fellow classmate identify and stop the spread of disinformation is first I would assess that information being spread and see if the sources of said information are correct ie fact check and if they have any alternative motive with the information being spread. What I would do next if the information turned out to be disinformation or misinformation is I would stop the spread by showing how the information is false so people don’t believe it or I would distract people and take their attention away from the disinformation and out that towards the correct information.