About Me


Click the link above to view Did you like it? My friend Mayth did a Rick roll and suggested that I do the same, so I did.


Hi I’m Yari (Yaroslav) Trembovetskiy, I’m from Ukraine, I came here when I was six years old and I used to live in West Vancouver before I moved here. My family are my parents, grandparents and my mom’s sister, I have no siblings. I live with my parents and my grandparents, my grandparents moved to our  house recently due to the war in Ukraine. I’m an ordinary highschool student, I like to play video games  and have fun in my free time. I study Math and take sports like volleyball and badminton when I’m not at school, I also like to read. My favorite foods are Pizza, sushi and salmon egg rolls. I like Pizza because it is a common food and It can have great tastes with it’s toppings, my favorite Pizza is pepperoni. I only started to eat sushi recently but I like it for the same reason I like Pizza because it can have multiple varieties. Lastly I like salmon egg rolls because this was my childhood food I used to eat in Ukraine, I usually eat it during my birthday.


The things that are important to me are my family, I love my family and it is the most important thing in my life. My friends are also very important to me because they are the people outside of my family that are the best acquainted with me and are very kind people. Another thing that is important to me is my education, I think this will be important for me in the future and can help me get a job based on the skills I know.


“Do or Do Not, There is NO Try.” This Quote is my favorite, It’s said by Yoda in Star Wars and it means: you don’t need to try to make something happen, you need to make it happen. I chose this quote because it’s popular and it has a lot of deep thinking to it.


What inspires me is that I live in a country with lots of opportunities which means that I can be anything  I want to be if I try to my best at it. I want to be a game developer and I want to make a game that is great and fun to play, and not have it as a pay to win concept like an EA game. Another thing that inspires me is that if I make a mistake I can learn from it and improve and I can practice to get better at something, I see this as one of the most important skills to have.   I chose this image because it shows that being able to do something is more important than your IQ.


What is STEAM to me? To me STEAM is a good concept that takes things like Science, Technology and Engineering and combines them into a great way of learning them and applying them to things like real world situations. For example, using a 3D printer is using both engineering and technology to make something with the 3D printer. From my point of view the things that mainly make up STEAM are Science, Technology and Engineering.


I joined STEAM because my parents recommended it to me and I decided that it would be good to do. STEAM is fun, I enjoy it, and I think that the combination or arrangement of the classes is better that the ones of an average highschool students classes. Even though most of my friends are not in STEAM I still like it. I have two new friends here, Mayth and Jay, they’re both kind friends that I like to talk to and do things like assignments with. I like STEAM, it’s fun and I’m glad that I got to do it, I think I might take it next year.

Titanfall 2 | Titanfall Wiki | Fandom

I don’t have a favorite website but this is one that I like. Titanfall 2 is one of my favorite video games, I chose to link the website of a Titanfall wiki to represent that.