My First Reflection~Science 9


Course Name: Science 9

Course Teacher: Ms. Bovay

1. List off ALL the functional procedures you used in this class? 

~Using a search engine ♡

I used a search engine during science class when we do online research or going to turn in work on Micrisoft teams. I have to search up what link I want to go to like “Microsoft Teams” or “Red Tailed Hawk”.

~Uploading and/or downloading ♡

We had to upload pictures and information onto our computers to be put onto a document for a project.

~Sending a link ♡

When we were done our projects we had to send a link to Ms. Bovay through Microsoft Teams to show her that we were done our work.

~Printing a document

We had to print off all our work to have a hard copy of our assignments.

~Saving to a cloud (Office 365) ♡

When I work on my online projects, I need to save my work so it doesn’t go missing or get deleted. I save my work to One Drive where i can easily access the project later.

~Accessing work on multiple devices (ie. at home and at school) ♡

On the weekends I have worked  on a project using my IPad. At school, I have used multiple devices to work on an online project.

~Cutting/pasting text, pics or links ♡

I have pasted images into my work to make it look more fun and interesting!

2. Describe one digital tool or resource you found useful in this class. How did you use it and why was it useful?\

I found One Drive to be useful for saving my work. It makes my work easily accessible.

3. Describe a tool, app, or resource you are hoping to use in the future. What would you use it for?

I would like to use Kahoot and Quizlet because it its a fun and new way to learn.