Program Description


    View the Science 11 Courses offered below

    Biology 11 (Life Sciences)

    Course Code: MLFSC11

    This course introduces students to the diverse adaptations and ecological relationships in a variety of organisms. The course covers the following topics: microbiology, botany, zoology, and ecology with themes of evolutionary change throughout the course. Students are introduced to a variety of biological skills and scientific processes. Laboratory work, including microscopy, investigation, and classification of organisms as well as dissection is emphasized in this course.

    Chemistry 11

    Course Code: MCH–11

    Chemistry 11 is a senior science course in which students are introduced to how chemical quantities impact chemical processes. This course is composed of five modules or units: The Periodic Table and Trends, The Mole, Chemical Reactions and Stoichiometry, Solution Chemistry and Organic Chemistry. This course includes an inquiry lab-based program that relies on students’ physical skills in chemistry and requires students to predict results, plan and conduct experiments so they can analyze data to formulate conclusions. A strong background in Mathematics is required for success in this course.

    Earth Science 11

    Course Code: MESC-11

    This is a survey course designed to introduce students to the diverse aspects of earth and space science. The main organizing units are Geologic Science, Oceanographic Science, Astronomical Science, Atmospheric Science, and Earth History. The course has a significant hands-on component aimed at developing both knowledge and the various skills of science.

    Physics 11

    Course Code: MPH–11
    In Physics 11, students develop and use mathematics tools (including some introductory two-dimensional trigonometry) and experimentation to study the nature of motion (kinematics and dynamics) and the factors affecting motion. These are extended to the study of gravity, Newton’s Laws, and the conservation of energy. The course also gives an overview of the nature of electric circuits and mechanical (sound) waves. It is recommended that students are proficient in mathematics when choosing Physics 11.

    Science CO-OP 11

    Course Codes:

    Physics 11 — MPH–11P
    Chemistry 11 — MCH–11P
    Independent Studies — MIDS-2BSC
    Work Experience — MWEX-2ASC

    This program is open to students who have successfully completed Science 10. To apply, students need to have demonstrated proficiency in their grade 10 coursework including Math and English. Students should be good independent learners, participators, collaborators and demonstrate strong work habits for this program.

    This program is for students who are planning to pursue Science/STEAM related programs in post-secondary and wish to explore Science/STEAM-related careers while participating in enrichment activities. In addition to covering the Physics 11 & Chemistry 11 courses, there will be multiple opportunities for hands-on experiences through field trips and work experience. Students will work with their Co-op teacher to apply for placements starting in Semester 1. They will start the program in Semester 2. Most placements will take place in March/April following Spring Break and an effort is made to arrange for all students to complete their 90 hours of voluntary work experience at a similar time. Students will complete their course work and a Capstone Project following their work experience placement.

    Semester 2 – Grade 11 

    • Physics 11 – 4 credits
    • Chemistry 11 – 4 credits
    • Independent Studies 11 – 4 credits
    • Work Experience 12 – 4 credits

    Note: Co-op is blocked into the timetable for blocks B-E.  This leaves block A available for an elective if needed.  In Grade 12, students will be able to use what they learned in Co-op (ex. resume, cover letter, interview skills) for their CLC 12 course.

    Science for Citizens 11

    Course Code: MSCCT11
    Allows students to explore how science informs our decisions and impacts our daily lives. We will look at connections between science, technology and society while developing skills for analyzing these interactions. This is a multi-disciplinary course that covers topics in three major areas: personal science, workplace science and global science. Emphasis will be placed on interaction and participation in class activities as well as engagement in discussion and group work.  The goals of Science for Citizens 11 are to develop and appreciate the interactive nature of science, develop an ability to respond critically to technological and environmental issues, and become scientifically literate citizens. **This course satisfies the required Gr. 11/12 science credit needed for graduation

    Sports Science 12

    Course Code: MSPSC12-SS

    This course can be taken in either grade 11 or 12 and provides a Science 11/12 credit toward graduation.
    This course is designed to expose students to aspects of Biology, Biochemistry and Physics as concerned with sports and the human body.  The topics that will be explored will prepare students for post-secondary work in the faculties of Kinesiology (SFU) and Human Kinetics (UBC).  Those topics include human anatomy and physiology, biomechanics and other principles of physics, analysis of team and individual sports, principles of training, nutrition, and sports injury management.  This course does not provide a Science 11 credit but does count as an elective toward graduation.