The entire project went excellent, we had time to spare to test our drone and come up with little extra ideas to improve our presentation which ended in the idea of laser cutting 100+ wooden tokens to give out as something to remember our project. By Carter and I splitting work made it incredibly efficient to get things done. I think something we could have done differently is keep all protypes created instead of just a few. I think it would also be good to include more information on the PowerPoint such as cost, and science.
Carter and I have talked and we don’t plan on extending on our project therefore we have began brainstorming ideas for next years science fair.
The event itself was pretty cool. It was nice to see friends come in and check out our drone as well as test it in front of them. sometimes it good crowded but that’s okay as we were outside. The fair itself was more fun than i expected too because i thought we would have to present over and over explaining things about our drone but what really happened was that people were more interested in watching the drone fly and holding it in their hands.
The process was great, we had a plan and we stuck to it, we only made one change halfway through and that was that instead of making a clip on/off body, we would glue the two pieces together. We made this change because the walls of our design kept on breaking and not clipping properly.
Presenting was easy. As I mentioned above, people didn’t really want to hear about how we made it and more about does it work and can we see it fly, the PowerPoint was really useful for those who were shy and didn’t want to talk much but most people who asked questions asked us for the answers which is something I enjoyed.
Overall, it was very enjoyable and a great day!