Welcome to Digital Learning

Welcome to DL

Welcome to Digital Learning, this is the first time i worl with Divi so yea…..

What amazing content is in my page

Character In Action

This is where al my posts and updates of my passion project go to and are available to see, and comment.

All About Me

Here you will find some very nice videos about footy but also information about me and how i like to spend my time


All my projects, 3D prints, stickers, laser cutting, and more projects made in drafting are posted here with the software that they were made with.

Passion Project

Semper leo et sapien lobortis facilisis aliquam feugiat ut diam non tempus et malesuada. Luctus lectus non quisque turpis bibendum posuere.


The best sport in the world and my whole life.




As of 2017 3.5 Billion people play footy (soccer) worlwide.

Unlock your creative potential

I play the sport myself, I live it and I breath it. Without it, I would be lost.


“I learn more about life with a ball at my feet.”


“I am living a dream I never want to wake up from.”

Cristiano Ronaldo

“I eat football, I sleep football, I breath football. I am not mad, I’m just passionate.”

Thiery Henry

Ready to play the beautiful game?