4/20/23: Today, I watched a video on how to make a moving sprite that moves in the corresponding direction (WASD). I created the main characters sprite, as well. You can the video by pressing the date.
4/26/32: Using a Youtube video, I added collisions to my game that stops the player when they hit a wall. Again, you can view the video by pressing the date.
4/24/32: This week I made my sprite animate to make it look like its actually walking instead of a still image. I also made the title screen logo.

Here are my sprites
4/5/23: Today I added a transition when you press the “play” button on the title screen. It leads to a cutscene.
9/5/23: Today was a big day. I added the character into the game, and hes in a room. I also added the border function in the room, so you cant go through walls.

Heres my title screen
10/5/23: I added text boxes that appear when you press a button while colliding with an object. You can now interacts with objects when you press a button
15/5/23: This week I added a new room aswell as some colllision fixes (you could go through walls and it looked really weird). Overall, I would say I am about 75% done.
23/5/23: After sweat and tears, I have finally completed the demo. Making a game is much harder than I thought. I didnt get everything i wanted in the game, but I tried my best. You can view it below.
Knowing the artwork would take awhile, I started early in February and began the drawings for the game. I started off by creating a sprite for Hikari, as well as the artwork for his house.

This month was very similar to February. I did not work on game development, just the artwork. I made significant progress this week while on vacation by working on the outdoor artwork.

I started the game development by importing the artwork into sprites. I watched the same videos last year on “How to make an RPG Game for Gamemaker”. Using this, I made the character movement, collisions, and the overall basic features of a game.

This was the toughest month of them all.. countless hours were spent on frantic scripting and fixing stuff. I was honestly concerned I wasn’t going to finish it and it would turn out to be a failure of a project, but alas, I worked and worked and finally managed to complete it.

JUNE 1-4th
June 1st to the 4th was a rush to try and get my poster and the final aspects of the game finished. I had just printed the images for my poster on Friday and spent the entire weekend finishing it up. Luckily, I finished it and the game with no problem and spent Monday and Tuesday relaxing.

The long anticipated day. I could still not prepare for the amount of people at the fair. Everything went pretty smoothly except for a few GROUNDBREAKING bugs players encountered whilst playing, but it wasn’t too bad. I really enjoyed telling others about how I made it and my plans for the game in the future (PS: I am not continuing it lol). Entire playthrough of the game is down below.

All in all, throughout its highs and its lows, the Passion Project is where I learn that I suck at game developing (joke). I’ve learned a lot about game development through major bugs that totally ruin your game *cough cough*, BUT in all, those bugs are what make you become a better developer through past mistakes. The steam fair was a great experience and I’m stoked for next year (woohoo fun yea i have no clue what im doing next year).
See you in 2025!