This is the page for my second passion project. I worked on this project with Chris and Rameshinder, for the project we decided to make a game. The game we decided to make a first person shooter. I was in charge of the of the weapons, for the weapons I decided to make a handgun and an assault rifle. it took me a good amount of time to get them done and working because I had a lot of kinks to work out.
Here is a PowerPoint to explain the enjoyable and struggling parts of the project:
Steam Fair Project Powerpoint.pptx (
three major problems I faced during my time working on this project:
- The first problem I faced was with the effects. The problem was the effects were just not working and for days I didn’t know why. The way I fixed the problem was to use a newer version of the effects and stop them from looping.
- The second problem I faced was with the projectiles. my problem was that the projectile trails were connecting and colliding with each other. I was never able to fix the latter but for the first part, it kind of just fixed itself when I totally overhauled the projectile code for another problem I was facing.
- The final problem we faced was the guns not doing damage to the enemies. the problem turned out that the gun code was referencing the wrong script so it couldn’t access the enemy health code and destroy the enemy when its health reached 0. we fixed this by changing the gun script so it could reference the enemy health code.
The most enjoyable parts about this project:
- the first most enjoyable part of this project was play testing the guns when I was finishing the codes. I found it satisfying shooting into the void. knowing the was the product of all the weeks I spent learning and writing code.
- the second most enjoyable part was just having fun working with my friends, we spent a lot of time in discord calls working on the project. and it was just nice to hang out with them.
Overall this project was a very enjoyable experience and I look forward to working on it in the future.
Here is a trailer we made for the finished project: