Passion projects of STEAM 9 2021/2022

This was my mid year passion project of a mincraft world that Riley, Brenen, and I made

This Is another project Chris and I worked on. Made out of Lego and designed for sumo

This was a work in progress of an illusion of one way saying MOM and the other saying DAD

STeam Passion Project(s) 2022/2023

As you see here in the vodeo below i have coded and added movement and a working flashlight to increase visibility in the darkness. Now in mobility i add walking and running fowards, backwards, jumping and both left and right.

Finished Product of the game

This is My groups video Game “Nyctophobia” (Fear of dark rooms/ darkness). Where the main concept of the game is procedural generation, this means it’s infinite and random. Meaning when ever you create a new maze its another maze that probably that hasn’t been replicated by a previous generation.

In the video we have added a Menu screen showing a spooky hallway and music created by our group. As you press “Start Game” you will enter another menu where you can generate your maze on different sliders of the following above. when you have generated the game you can see the maze in the lower left of your screen. From there you spawn in the maze and make your way through to find a green light. But watch out…your not the only one there.

The challenge we couldnt overcome

Some of my contributions in this game was the flashlight, movement, Textures (walls), and an AI. During the time we had making this project there was a couple challenges to over come. But one we weren’t able to complete, the Artificial Intelligence, I was in charge of this part and it would never work. The goal of the AI was to patrol the maze until the AI has spotted the player and now chase them until the player has managed to escape the AI’s field of view.  It does work I have confirmed that in an experiment project, but merging the code into the real project something wasn’t cooperating with each other, and the group were never able to figure it out. But carrying on the game further out of STEAM, we will fix this and make this work.


Creating and developing this game pulled me closer to making this a career. having to learn and enjoy the process of going through challenges and fixing them is a very cool felling. especially when you put this out to the world and thinking to your self that this game is scaring, entertaining, and giving other kids/adults a cool experience around the world.


Robotics 11 project 2023/2024

This year i partnered up with my friend Jaime to create a morse code safe using Arduino. Here is a video of how the morse code works. The software we used was called “Arduino IDE” thats where the magic happens and where we were able to create this project. Thankfully that Terry Fox had equipped us with these components to make this project happen, and has even more access to 3d printers, sticker cutters, laser box, and some other cool items like Phidgets.

Morse code Arduino

in this video i demonstrated that pressing the button in a morse code sequence makes a word which was in this case was my name “Lucas”. To open the safe you had to type the correct word in order the servo motor to rotate allowing you to open the door.


here is a full picture of what was in the video


Now towards the safe part of this project. Unfortunately we did not have the time to finish this project on time but I am working on the safe after i update this website adding a carboard safe with the servo motor in place. But i did make a door hinge that operates as the door hinge for the safe door, including 3 parts.

We did encounter some stepbacks, with all of the code its hard to keep track of whats where, how it shoulkd work, etc. We used did use too much power that the arduino uno couldnt hold the servo motor, we had to add another arduino uno, or a battery, we tried the 5v battery but it still had the same results, so we decied to try to use a second arduino uno.

This project had me working on my engineering and coding skills which was alot of fun making this project come alive. Just able to build something like this and seeing it work was a huge success for me and Jamie.