Drafting 10 midterm video:
This video shows a quick preview of all the projects I have been part of and or made throughout semester one! Continue reading to see the projects in more detail.
Career Project: Passion Project (Drafting)
For my career passion project, I made a DIY projector out of a shoe box and magnifying glasses. My goal was to be able to project one of my iMovie presentations on my phone, through the projector on to a walk so I could watch it like a movie. I was also testing out color theory by using colored lenses to make white light. I was successful but it was blurry, so I had to do test and trial many times.
Ping Pong Challenge Project (Drafting)
For this project we had to create a device out of paper, tape and paper clips, to pick up a ping pong ball and carry it a certain distance. The goal is to get the most points by caring the ball the farthest distance. Depending on how much of the materials you use, it will cost you more points. Your total points are “distance (cm) – material cost”. My device got me a total of 126 points!
Capstone Project (May Fair Project)
Goal: Prove that art is a part of STEAM
Part 1: Create a good copy, working projector to present
Part 2: Create multi color drawings with color affects, AKA anaglyphic drawings
This is my poster board I put together to showcase my project in the library during the May Fair. I titled it The Power Of Art because I made an art based project and I wanted to prove that Art is an important part of STEAM.
This is the first anaglyphic drawing I made and how it turned out. I was very proud of how it turned out and I believed in myself and art work once I saw that it was working and looked good too.
This is my shoe box projector I made out of a shoe box, magnifying glasses and tape. I made this earlier in the year and decided to showcase it as my prototype and create a better one.