Science 9 Honours:
The SSEP project was one of few that I took part in throughout the year. I have a page dedicated to it linked here—-> SSEP Page
Science Class Projects:
Shown below is a project from my normal science class. I do not believe that most of these projects were very difficult projects, nor did it require much effort on my part. But, I do not have much video/photo documentation of my past science projects, as a result, I have chosen to show two projects, one is a video of me igniting a balloon filled with Hydrogen gas. And the second image of A candy DNA strand. I would also like to include a project that was worked on mostly in Drafting/STEAM. The project is a webcam that tracks your face horizontally.
Clip from STEAM Instagram of my project.
Arduino Smart Things Project:
This project was not explicitly completed for Science Honours reasons, but rather for my STEAM class. But I still believe it qualifies remotely for the micro-bits project although I used an Arduino instead. For this project, I created an object detection project that turns on a light when something new is detected from when the camera first turned on. This is shown in the video below.
Chemical Etching Project:
The Chemical Etching project involved designing a symbol or pattern on a piece of metal that is later chemically etched out. This process is done by connecting a battery to a piece of cotton and the metal, then dipping the cotton into a conductive, salt mixture. The mixture would cause the design to be burned into the metal when the cotton touched the metal surface. Here is an image of the design below.
For reference, I was attempting to draw a symbol from the band “Whitechapel”, which looks like this:
Science 9 Honours Reflection:
- Describe each activity you participated in (include pictures) – What did you do?
- The Activities that I participated in are mentioned above.
- What did you learn? What are you proud of achieving?
Throughout the past two semesters of science honours, I have learned much. Some things I have learned in specific include chemical etching by using a conductive substance to burn into metal, learning the basics of microbits, learning more about how cells reactive differently in space from the SSEP project, and diving more in-depth into different types of gasses in the demonstration present by Ms. Lawson. In addition to these specific areas of learning, I have learned that to extend, I must go beyond what is recommended and recuse myself from the norm of topics. I am proud of achieving many things in Science 9 Honours, one thing specifically is the completion of the SSEP project and how much information I learned from doing so. The amount of research and general intrigue that the project produced was insurmountably valuable.
- What questions do you have about science that you would be interested in exploring in the future?
I still wish to dive into many topics and areas of science in the future. But if I were to pick just a single area of science that I wish to pursue, it would be the world of computer sciences and quantum computing. The leaps in the quantum computing industry have made are paramount to the future of computing in general. It is still not a widely known field which gives room for innovation. I wish to pursue research in the field of Computer Science for the future and beyond.