Drafting Semester 1:

3 Of My Drafting Projects:


As I talked about in my showcase video, this photo shows my project in a dismantled state. Originally, the Arduino sat inside the box and used a water quality sensor to detect the quality of water. If the water quality was below a certain threshold, then an attached filtration device would lower into the water that would theoretically be under the box.




My smart project is a piece of code and a webcam that takes a photo on initialization and detects changes from the initial photo. For example, if it started up, the light would be off, but if you walk into the frame, then the difference would be detected as shown in the image above and the light would turn off as shown in the image below. The project is completely done as displayed in the showcase video.





1-point perspective:

2-point perspective:

3-point perspective:

Garden map:

Additional Drawing (one that I could find):

STEAM 10 Semester 1

Perspective Drawings:

The Perspective drawings include 1,2,3, and 4-point perspective drawings. In addition, there is one drawing set in the hallway of the school.

Isometric Sketches:

Maze Design:

Used AutoCAD to create a maze digitally. The criteria involved relation to STEAM, pixel art, and our initials. I was originally trying to do planets but it is quite hard to tell.

Gravity Car Project:

In a group, we tried to design the most efficient cars using the machines in the classroom, and recycled materials. Shown below are the vinyl product and 3d models.

Career Project:

My career project was focused on research and development, centred around the Robotics Engineering field. I was tasked with finding out pieces of information pertaining to Robotics Engineering such as salary, what they do and educational requirements. The key element of this project was finding a task or something I could create that someone in the Robotics engineering field would create. My project was a WIFI controlled raspberry pi car that streams its webcam through port sharing to a nearby device. It is quite rudimentary and my goal for the end of this project is the induction of automation and more accessible webcam sharing. Below are some pictures from the specialized project. I have also attached my PowerPoint used for the presentation.

robotics presentation.pptx

Cardboard Boat Challenge:

For this challenge, our group designed a bout out of the cardboard that was able to hold the weight of one of our team members and successfully make it to the other side of the pool and float for an above average amount of time. Here is an attached video:


Ping Pong Pickup Challenge:

Here are a few photos of the the design we made for the ping pong pickup challenge hosted by science buddies.

Projectile launcher project:

My creation is a somewhat functional nerf dart launcher that is made from the internals of an RC car, wood, and some DC motors. This video shows me and my group members doing our one minute challenge to get the most projectiles in the catcher in a 1 minute window. (I achieved a low score because I forgot about the weight limit).