Purpose: To reflect on your use of digital tools and resources in the classroom.


Introduction: Each reflection should be original and examine different tools, resources and/or apps that have used or hope to use. You will repeat this reflection four times, twice per semester. Choose from the following: Math, Science, English, Social Studies, P.E. or Classroom Electives.



Course Name: Spanish                                                                       Your Name:   Megan Goheen


Course Teacher: Mrs. Miranda


  1. Check off ALL the functional procedures you used in this class?


x Using a Search Engine                                          Printing a document

x Accessing a school website                                  Scanning a document

Uploading and/or downloading                            Using a QR code

x Saving to a cloud (OFFICE 365)                           x Sending/Responding to an email

x Accessing work on multiple devices                    Collaborating online

(Ie. At home and at school)

Sending a link                                                         Cutting/Pasting text, pics or links

Embedding video and/or links into

An application (ex. Ppt)



  1. Describe one digital tool or resource you found useful in this class. How did you use it and why was it useful?


I have used google translation services online to help write out sentences or listen to them. It helped me finished off my assignments. I have also used it to help listen to the word so I can say it properly.



  1. Describe a tool, app, or resource you are hoping to use in the future. What would you use it for?


A could possibly find a resource library like an online library to access electronic Spanish books to help me learning more about the language and culture.