Meaningful Quote

“Success is no accident. It is hard work, perseverance, learning, studying, sacrifice and most of all, love of what you are doing or learning to do.”


I chose this quote because it is a motivational quote, as anything acquired in life requires a lot of attention,  interest and time spent on it. You have to pour your heart and soul into something to receive something back from this area of interest. Sacrifice is always needed in life to accomplish almost anything. Yet, if you love the area you are pursuing, you will not notice the hardships as much because your heart will be in your subject of desire.  This quote is motivating and inspiring, because it makes me want to train harder, to work harder and to be more successful.

Embedded Video

This is the exact moment that Canada women’s soccer, made history. By winning the first ever Olympic gold metal in Canadian women’s soccer, it has motivated myself and many other young female athletes to train harder, and to set goals as big as this. It has inspired the feeling that I can reach my dreams of playing for the national team, and has sparked a deeper love for the sport.


Inspiring Picture

This is a photo of my dad playing for the Vancouver 86ers when he was in the prime of his soccer career. Not only was my dad a pro soccer player, but he has also continued to coach at a high level. My dad has taught me everything I know about soccer; how to strike the ball properly, how to make runs behind defenders shoulders, how to use my speed to explode, and how to become the successful #9 that I am today. This picture inspires me because I aspire to be as great of a soccer player as my dad was.


Beast Mode Soccer – Individual Soccer Training

I chose this hyperlink because this program has been a part of my growth and development as a soccer player for five years. Beast Mode Soccer provides a pathway of focus, discipline, and the mental mindset of a players game, while enhancing their technical abilities, game play, and fitness to achieve success in a players’ soccer careers.

Self Assessment