First Aid Fanny Pack



Weekly progress

Week of (April 17th 2023)

In this week I was able to decided on one idea which was the First Aid/Hiker Fanny Pack. I estimated the cost for this project would be $30-$50. The materials I would need was fabric, zipper, nylon webbing, buckle, and water bottle mesh holder. The equipment I would need was a sewing machine, thread, needle, scissors, fabric, and a measuring tape. The estimated time to make this would be 2 1/2-3 weeks and I would spend 30 minutes an hour each day to work on the project. I decided to use my website as my digital filling system so my teachers could access my progress easily and efficiently. I sketched out my entire design and showed my teacher my design proposal. I have lots of people to help me in my project (Ms. Amin when I need assistance when I’m stuck and My Parent when sewing the fanny pack). I discussed the project with my teacher and we discussed my idea, pros, cons, and what I needed to adjust to my idea. I took all feedback into consideration and I set up our next meeting on Wednesday (May 3 2023).

My Design Proposal



Week of (May 1st 2023)

In this week I was able to buy my buckle but I was not able to buy the rest of my materials. I met with my teacher on the Friday about my progression. Unfortunately I did not get much done with homework and sports in the way of that. In the meeting I get a developing grade for that week because I did not make any progress and was not where I was supposed to be on that week. I was able to go to the Fabric store on the evening of Friday. I bought a black belt and decided to go with jean material to make the first aid fanny pack. I took all feedback  and concerns my teacher had into consideration and have set up our next meeting on Friday (May 19 2023).


Week of (May 15th 2023)

In this week I was able to start making my fanny pack. I have printed my pattern and have sent my weekly progress report to my teacher. I started watching the step by step video I found on YouTube on how to make a fanny pack and have done some practice sewing with scrap pieces of fabric to understand how it would feel and what it would look like. I found out that I don’t have the right size zipper and I need bias tape to continue making this project. This is a set back that I was not expecting but I was able to get both materials on Wednesday. I have taken pictures and videos to print onto my poster and to upload to my PowerPoint. This week I have thought a lot about my layout and how I would like to present my project. I was thinking of using a poster to use as a background but also to hold my progress reports, pictures, facts, and why I choose to make it.


Week of (June 5th 2023) 

In this week I finished my layout of my poster and my fanny pack. This week I checked in with my teacher and we discussed possibly making a QR code and adding a sample of fabric to my poster. I have added a sample, but I did not make the QR code. I crossed stitched a red cross to symbolize first aid. Both cohorts got together to discuss our presentations, both of my partners said my organization and idea was very well done but I lacked colour on my poster. To take this feedback into consideration I decided to add a colourful border around my poster. Overall, I was able to complete my fanny pack and my poster before the fair. I have gotten great feedback from my teacher and peers. I hope to one day expand my project to make it better but for now I am overall satisfied with the outcome and can’t wait for the STEAM Fair on (June 14th 2023). 

First Aid Fanny Pack                          First aid fanny Pack Poster     




Final Reflection

How did your entire project go?
I think I did very well with my end result because I unfortunately got sick quite a lot this semester and I was still able to complete this project. I thought the hardest part about this project was sewing because I did not have any knowledge about sew prier to this project. My favourite part about this project was making a page on the website and poster. This was fun because I got to be more creative and organized. In the end I am proud of my work and if I were to extend my project I would add a QR code, add a red cross embodiment in the top right corner of the fanny pack, and I would add pockets on the inside of the fanny pack.
How was the event?
I really enjoyed presenting my project to others but it was a lot more stressful than I thought it would be. I thought there would be less people at the fair but in reality there was much more people and I thought it would flow better with the direction of people but instead people were coming from different directions and it was hard to explain and when multiple people are coming to look at your project from different directions. I also didn’t think my legs would get tired but they did. I feel if there was some sort of seating I would have stayed at my table longer than I did. I thought this would not be fun but in the end I would like to do more fairs in the future.
What would you do differently or keep?
I don’t plan on adjusting to my project in the future but if were to I would add a QR code so people can see my website, add a red cross embodiment in the top right corner of the fanny pack, and I would add pockets on the inside and outside of the fanny pack.
How was the process?
I made a weekly progress chart for every week but unfortunately since I was away and fell behind I didn’t follow along with my chart that I made. This would have been more useful if I was not falling behind. 
How was your presentation?
I think my presentation went very well. I didn’t feel nervous and I think I really showed the audience that I have a passion in first aid and medicine. I was not talking fast and I feel I presented clearly. I felt like I should have had a QR code to show people I made a page on my website dedicated to my project and so they could look at my work on their own time. I think my poster and fanny pack did standout because even when I wasn’t at my table I saw lot’s of people looking at my project and poster and looked genuinely curious about it. I think my post was very visually appealing and hear other students and teachers feedback really helped with that. I think in the end the STEAM Fair went very well and it was very fun to attend and present.